I got the new Slvr in


corp. stores dont have em yet, not avial online either…

pricing is currently $149.99 + $50 MIR (2 year)

NE2 pricing is $50 in store + $50 MIR ( Free)

ohh yeahh well i got the samsung u620 which last i knew u couldent get online or in stores :wink:

I have the L71 is this similar?


ohh yeahh well i got the samsung u620 which last i knew u couldent get online or in stores :wink:


this phone is in my incoming order, i’ll prolly have it monday/tuesday

how long have u had it? cool design but i dont like sliders and have no interest in TV on my phone ATM

PS: 740 > 620 :stuck_out_tongue:


I have the L71 is this similar?


from what i can see, mostly, although the L7C is CDMA, not GSM


this phone is in my incoming order, i’ll prolly have it monday/tuesday

how long have u had it? cool design but i dont like sliders and have no interest in TV on my phone ATM

PS: 740 > 620 :stuck_out_tongue:


ive had it since march 3rd…ordered it the 1st

its a pretty cool phone. I love sliders so thats why i waited for a good one thats smaller that came out. It only took 3 years from my Se47 for me to find one i like.

as for the TV i will never use it and we wont be getting that network for a good 2 years id say anyway…Plus its 15$ a month…foooooook that

And ill take the sleek black 620 look over the FUGLY GOLD 740

meh the donald trump color is growing on me, plus full qwerty = awesome

and tv should be here much sooner than 2 years

i looked at the 740. i wasnt a big fan of the number button implementation. when ur trying to dial a number with the phone flipped to the side, its akward. also, the keyboard is tiny and the front screen is ugly. i opted for the ENV, i just got it, but so far i really like it.

for cingluar? i wonder when my contract is up. should be soon.

its been out for cingular for like 2 years. this is verizon.

jeff, be prepared with a deluge of people who buy it because it looks cool then realize its typical cdma motorola crap

i saw the thread and thought necropost. cingular ftw

ohh screw this then… i’ll wait it out for something better.


its been out for cingular for like 2 years. this is verizon.

jeff, be prepared with a deluge of people who buy it because it looks cool then realize its typical cdma motorola crap


you dont have to warn me brotha.


i saw the thread and thought necropost. cingular ftw


If it works for you, then great, but don’t go making statements like that with nothing to back that up…

Can anyone compare this to the E815? I need a new phone and this looks really tempting now that I look at it a bit more…

i wouldnt really recommend the slvr. all the razr/krazr complaints are going to just be passed onto this phone, sadly.

if u text a lot, the u740 and env are good choices. dont know much about other phones

I don’t text that much and the E815 does pretty much everything I need. It’s just starting to fall apart, being damn near 2 years old at this point.


If it works for you, then great, but don’t go making statements like that with nothing to back that up…


3G network



3G network



No one cares. /your post


3G network



How are those EDGE speeds/coverage going? Oh, they blow, I forgot.

PS. Your coverage still sucks.