we dont have drunk underage kids at our parties
no more likely than a drunk 21 year old
Either he does it or someone else. Who cares.
well ideally no one would do it. but if a guys gotta make an easy buck what are ya gonna do
I’m all for it. While working at Salvatores, I would go accross the street buy over $100 in beer, walk back accross the street, sell it at super high prices, profit, drink for free, and then go home. I was 16-17.
hahaha… joe = no longer drinking beer anywhere near me :lol:
thats weak…
teenagers have enough to wory about without legaly being allowed to drink and then drive home
just because your old enough to join the army doesnt mean you have the mental capacity to drink at will
teenagers have enough problems driving sober, theres a reason that the risk pool is 16-25 … 16-20 is when you learn to drive, 21-25 is when you learn to control yourself enough around the bottle to drive safely
its called doing things one step at a time, if the legal drinking age was 18, automobile accidents would skyrocket
16 - yay i got my permit
17 - yay i got my license
18- yay i can smoek and drink
yea that works :roll:
d i a f
all in all, yeah
hush up grandpa scuba, enjoy the dynaride :touchy:
whether 15 or 50, it doesn’t matter. A drunk driver is a drunk driver. You are not performing sobriety checkpoints.
lol@ this thread.
OMG someone’s getting caught doign somethign illegal… OMFG that’s so wrong.
What ever happened to having an older friend buy for you? what about waiting till you are 21.
a friend of mine used to do this in HS, she wasn’t paid $$ for it rather her aunt let her keep the beer that she was able to purchase :lol:
I was in the Army at 18, and its BS that i can be given a gun, the keys to a 21 million dollar helicopter and the responsibility for 33 guys but i’m not responsible enough to drink. Lucky me though, i was turned 21 while being stationed in the ROK, talk about a shitty birthday.
iam doing this job as a favor to my aunt all 130 stores i will hit r in her district. tough shit if u dont like it.
ya fuck you joe for having a job that helps stop underage drinking, and fuck all cops. Stupid assholes stopping me from breaking the law :roll2:
LOL* at this thread…
My thoughts exactly…some people should just keep useless shit like this to themselves.
that’s honda two thousand to you.
entrepenuer :tup: