I had an amazing Sunday.

That’s what I was thinking/shocked at.

For sure congrats on the win, but something tells me if someone is comfortable dropping $1k on a single bet, $12k is not that likely to put them back to even (bigger picture)? Just my thought.

That is pure ecstasy!

My dad used to be in a pool that was run out of a barbershop, $1000 a square, final score only, no neighbors or anything. Winner stopped into said barbershop on monday morning every year and picked up $100k in a brown paper bag. That’s gotta be a rush

^thatd be amazing… but knowing i have 99/100 chance of pissing away 1k… that sucks… itd almost be better to buy 99 squares and make quick “point” daily… (id be soo pissed if i lost 99k though ahha)

The last year he was in was 1990. He had split his square with 3 other guys and he had Bills 2, giants 0. Norwood cost him 25 grand. I guess he could never get into it after that.

It’s not like putting up 1000 with a 4/100 chance of winning. There are so many payouts, that everyone is almost guaranteed to at least win half their money back. Knowing this makes it easier to put up the money.

holy shit. my buddy won a grand and I was impressed.

jesus that is a lot of coin

well done

Just curious. Did you know certain members are married to IRS agents ? Just sayin…

Gotcha. I thought it was all or nothing.
Either way…congrats! $12k :slight_smile:

lolz…new smiley?




So did this effectively double your yearly income?

Does anyone know the 800 number for the IRS? Illegal gambling or not, I’m sure they want their cut of the money… :rofl:

That’s how they got Al Capone if you don’t recall. He didn’t pay his taxes on the money he acquired from illegal activities. LOL

Oh, and congrats! That’s pretty awesome

BTW office pools are not illegal so long as they are not conducted for a profit, all winnings go to the winner, and any winnings are properly notified on a 1099 to the IRS above $600.

At least this is the fact in VA, I’m not sure if NY differs however.

Awesome broski! Now, what mods to spend it on…

Just don’t try depositing it. People think depositing under 10k you’re fine… believe me, the cash deposit reporting requirements are far more complicated than just anything 10k or over.

In case you didn’t know… I write credit union software. :slight_smile:

Did you make front page on LATFH.com?

I can’t live vicariously through this! At least make something up and tell us you bought something totally unnecessary with part of it. A new TV or a kegerator full of guiness or something.

Im gonna pay off my truck. 0 interest so I’ll just pay the minimums out of this chunk.