I had an amazing Sunday.

we don’t want to, there is a shit ton of anti-money laundering stuff the government dumps on us and checks on at random. If you let something slip by, it’s the bank’s ass. Even I have to take federally mandated anti-money laundering training every 6 months and I would never step foot in a branch except as a customer.

I call your $12,000 and raise you 1 win $500 a week for life!!

Seriously? I call BS… just out of jealousy alone on the perception that you could be telling the truth.

I work for a corporate bank. We do not even have a retail branch presence here in Western New York, and have not for years. We have to take the “AML” training every six months also.

Its very basic training, it just says to look for sequential money orders, or people making deposits that add up to $10,000, or deposits that don’t make sense for the consumer.

I would just deposit like 9 grand, then put the rest in another account and call it a day. If anyone asks, you sold an asset like a car. You are allowed to sell items that you already own, and keep the money tax free.

I would not keep 12 grand in cash in my fucking house that’s for sure.

My uncle in a redneck area of Ohio told me a story one year about his neighbor. The kid had over 75 grand in his basement, it was money that he earned from delivering wood, cutting wood, snowplowing, and landscaping. When you have cash like that, you are just asking for a problem.

ahh, so Citi then.
I’m in Finance, so the one we have to take is pretty damn thorough. There’s more scrutiny at the second level, random checks and things that flag cash activity that just comes up out of nowhere. My plan I originally said was probably overkill but like depositing $3000 4 times in some kind of consistent interval would keep you clear.

what if he deposits it all in pennies?

I will mark his account with the FGGT tag. That’s actually functional now, I need to mark yours

mark mine to receive free monies!

ass pennies?

Everyone will have touched my ass pennies.

Lol, sweet deal getting that money money…