hey sorry about the rant but someone stole a 2000 jeep grand cherokee out of my drive way this morning between 1-4am this morning took it up on the train tracks and went off roading with it all morning. we found the truck but its all scratched up and there is beer caps and cigarette ashes all over the place. if anybody knows anything about this can you let me know i would really like to know who did this. thanks guys
sorry to hear about that, stupid drunk ass holes, thats why I hate drinking and poeple that talk about going out all the time for a good time, nothing but negative attention, asscoiation and CRAP!!!
good luck
Did you leave the keys in the jeep?
it was a cherokee? damn we were more hammered than i thought. i thought it was an explorer.
good luck finding the fucktards
Ask the police to check for prints. Find out who does it and throw them a few hundo to help you out if the desk cop is not helpful.
Ask the police to check for prints. Find out who does it and throw them a few hundo to help you out if the desk cop is not helpful.
:word: that might work, cops deffinatly need the extra money, they don’t make good money :gotmee:
although the situation truly does suck for you…thats what i call a fun time. mudding in someone elses jeep. But shitty that it was stolen. At least ya got it back right?
thanks everyone no did not get it back yet and they took a key to it. the police have the truck waiting to get it back
If you want I will take the engine off your hands :), no seriously i need a 4.0L I6.
or a bypass and a good know how, which regardless you still need to break the steering lock.
Ask the police to check for prints. Find out who does it and throw them a few hundo to help you out if the desk cop is not helpful.
They won’t dust for prints, its too costly and a waste of time, according to the officers dealing with my car break in and what the chief of police told my co-worker when he told him about it.
To them its just a car that insurance takes care of, so its not a high priority case to solve, or even investigate, so I can assume probably the same for you.
Hopefully you find out, sounds like teenagers though.
If you want I will take the engine off your hands :), no seriously i need a 4.0L I6.
And I claim the transmission
they did take a key for it that was half the problem and they did dust for prints definatly saw that when i went to talk to the detective but he said there was nothing useable
how did they get the key ???
thats a pretty good question i dont think i have an answer to that
Did you buy it new? Maybe former owner came back for a joyride!?!?
no did not buy new but was bought from a dealer in 03 so i cant really think they did i found it about a mile and a half from my house in a area the trouble makers like to hang out i live 3 houses from the tracks where it was taken and about 20 kids a day use to go from my street and central
If anyone were to steal my car, I would not want it back.
yea thats what we were kind of thinking i was kinda hoping not to find it but finding at least is telling who ever took it we were able to find it and it is a little closure knowing at least we found it. we are thinking of getting it fixed then getting a new vehicle to replace it because it would never feel right and being the same you know it was violated and beat up and who knows how they drove it or what they did in it so who knows at this point