I Hate Autozone

one time i called up asking for ‘that thing’
he said “what thing?”
i said" that thing!"
“whats this thing in?”
“i dont know, u should know!”
“well im sorry sir i dont. what is it in now?”
“that wont help u!”
“try me.”
" my horse and buggy"
“ok well, part number for ‘that thing’ is 1248 fe5 007f
" o…thanks.”


lmfao thats why i buy my shit on line or go to my mechanic and have him deal with it… lol

haha, awesome!

Two sides to every story, but the truth is in between.

wayne, your face hates autozone:ahh

I hate when customers act like that. Ya prolly shouldn’t be on hold that long but, if you don’t like how your being treated hang up and call another a diff. place. No need to get all tough guy on employees becuase you know they have to sit there and take if to get paid.

but why should you have to call another store or any of that?.. the people should know what their doing… if they don’t then they should either get trained or fired. There are people out there that need jobs who are able to do the work but aren’t being hired because some stupid fuck (who is either to lazy to do it right or is to stupid) has the job already and someone’s afraid to fire their ass.

BK and Mcdonalds workers can work at autozone, if these people didnt have a PC infront of them they wouldnt know anything about any parts. There not trained about cars, or parts. They are trained how to punch a pert number in a computer.

Exactly, IDK why anyone would expect ‘advice’ from a parts store, or parts knowledge beyond stock parts that can be tracked by a year/make/model…

i dono about that there are some dumb ass mother fuckers that work at bk and mcd’s… lol don’t get me wrong you have hardworking uneducated people who will never go anywhere else other than those places, you also have the typical college kid or high school kid who’s just working to make some beer money or whatever and then you have people who are just dumb ass mother fuckers… lol

on another note if all they’re trained to do is punch in numbers i do hope that they are only payed minimum wage… because i have to tell ya if they dont know jack shit theres no reason to pay them more than that.

i would hope that when i go to a store to buy something, the staff there knows what theyre talking about. theres nothing wrong with learning things, so if you dont know, just say im sorry, i dont know this particular part, but let me find out from somebody who does and resolve that issue. i dont think its unreasonable to go to a parts store and expect the people working there to know about parts. it’s ok if a person doesnt, just go get the person that does to help me, thats fine. i mean, you wouldnt go to a meat market and expect the butcher to know about the latest innovations in plasma tv’s wouldja?

however…with 1000’s of different cars with different parts, i dont find it unreasonable they don’t know the specifics to the car/engine. they just need to know what the part is or what it does, not like oh hey this looks like a waterpump from a 1971 small block 350 with a 4 bbl carb.

As someone who’s ASE P2 Parts Specialist certified, I still don’t know what a lot of parts are for. I remember a ton of part numbers still, and haven’t worked there in 3 months. It’s impossible to know every part for every vehicle ever made. If they did know them, then they wouldn’t be working at AAP or Autozone. I know they’re not getting paid minimum wage (I was making $13/hr as an assistant manager) and they shouldn’t be paid minimum wage either. “Wahhh, they gave me the wrong part!!” Too fucking bad, shit happens. Like I said, it’s impossible to know everything. I worked my ass off to get customers the right parts, but mistakes do happen like in every occupation. I have purposely given the wrong part on a few occasions when people were huge douchebags to me or one of my workers.

NICE!!!..sounds like something i wud do to a few people…just because…:clap

That is quite an arrogant statement.

How are you justifying that? Directly by going that the amount of knowledge you have should directly reflect your pay and in this situation there is no knowledge?

Well how about all the other literally Zero skills job that get paid wealthy wealthy amounts. Take any waitressing job for example, I don’t care what you get paid by the books when you consider 100$ day to be a slow day and you won’t even work the full 8 hours, nor get taxed as much as the regular workers. There is no knowledge required in that job.

Or how about warehouse workers who just load and unload trucks all day and will get paid $17+ an hour?

your rate of pay should be based on the skill set of the job and the requirements from the person doing the job. however if you cant do the job right than why should you be paid the standard rate for that job? is that fair to the other hardworking people? no its not… because in most cases the hard working people are the ones picking up the slack for the lazy fucks. so why not fire the lazy ass and find someone worth the money that will pull their own weight…

The people that don’t pull their weight should be fire, but I’m saying there are a lot of jobs where knowledge isn’t a prerequisite for the salary they get paid.

Skills are always acquired as you go through the job and it’s a different scenario.

If you want pure, direct reward for your efforts you need a commission based job, otherwise life’s not fair.

I find it amusing that after allowing autozone to waste his time, experiencing horrible customer service, going out of his way to make a point how horrible their service was and having an argument in the store about it, the guy STILL gave these people his business. He has my vote for stupidest asshole of '09. They could give a damn about what he thinks their customer service was. At the end of the day, they sold some seals and the customer gave them money, even if it’s at another store. All this showed them was that they can fuck up THAT badly with customer service, let the guy come in and rant for ten minutes about it and he’ll still pay for the parts at the end of it all.

that is a very good point, lol