I hate cats......


how pertinent

Didn’t someone have a bunny up for grabs :wink:

i dont get it.



Bunny = small cat. Do it Newman!

oh i get it now.

the mighty meat thread was so much better, it actually made sense kind of. this one not so much

Sorry to hear…but get yourself a dog. They are awsome… cept mine who is 115 lbs, is dumb as a sack of hammers and has the retard strength to match lol. His name is Bruno…I should have named him Lenny ( a very strong retarded man from the book “Of Mice and Men”, for those of you who don’t know).

how do you know this for certain? 20 minutes is not a lot of diagnosis time.

How did the cat die?

Blew out the spleen…

Thats what you get for starting with such a shitty platform. Should have swapped to an American breed.

i stabbed it, i fucking hate cats. i told him not to get it and now look what happened


Stop crying and just fucking rebuild it. Cat parts are readily available.


Sell all you import cat stuff and get a big American cat and feed it snails.

I heard the SPCA is a nice junkyard for spare parts, there should be plenty there for the taking. Good prices on hard to find pieces…

Oh man.

The FS: universal thread had me laughing for a good 10 minutes in class last year.

the solution is so obvious… we all know how much better dogs are, but you already have a cat

this is what you do

take the brain and heart out of a SSSSIIICCCKKKKK dog and put um into your smaller, lighter , currently lifeless cat!!

fucking crazy. I came home friday from work and found one of our 3 was dead also. dunno wtf happened.

sigh X2