I hate Jettas

LOL. this is quality. I can’t stop laughing.

glad u guys liked it…i was very tired when i wrote it and am very surprised at the responses cant wait to see you all this summer - son of a ham

hahaha custom title lol

“I hate VW.” - A Neon driver.


eeeh, not so much, now that we have Ldiablo as a “starting point” for neon drivers…

Son of a ham.

Excellent! Sounds like your neon should smoke him anyways.

I don’t get it. I thought the thread title said Jews.

did you know that by hand it would take 4 hours to make a pair of wooden shoes, but now with the wooden shoe making machine (really there is such a thing) it takes only 15 minutes.

i watched it in HD the other day so it must be true

HD never lies.

The guy sent me a PM:

mineral spirits are all the chemical crap found in a parts wash staion in a shop

Thanks :tup:

I will have to confirm this with xander.


Yeah, that MF’er widdled a pair in just over 2 hours last night. 4 hours is for beginners.

He needs to come back over and clean up all of these wood shavings!

I might be able to make them in 2 hours, but the final conversion to Wooden Sandals take my dog at least a day to do.


P.S. If you’ve got any CL left in the fridge I’ll come over and clean up that mess.

About 14 CL’s.

14? light day huh?

I’m glad you agree :wink: :lol:


I thought the education system was improving? Guess I was wrong.

Whoever did the custom title :clap: to you.
