I hate kids/teens.

Subliminal stereotyping is bred into this society whether you accept it or not…and it may even go as far as Subliminal racism…this is why certain things get taken the way they do. I don’t stereotype myself…i can’t help that my skin is darker than yours…and i tan instead of burning…hey its an adaptation of my ancestors natural environment…both the natives and the africans

No worries, man. We all have to realize that written words can never convey the true intent of what the writer wanted us to understand.
In that sense, you have to understand, as much as any of us in this society of any color, that a descriptor of color is very often used when describing something different than us. As such, if the OP where black, on a mostly black forum, talking about a bunch of white kids who jumped his brother… he more than likely would’ve used the descriptor “white” kids. Would that have made him a black racist? Not necessarily. He could’ve just as easily been describing something different than he. We all do it, regardless of color.
So we can’t assume the race card just because OP is white talking about black kids.
It alarms me that we as a society still do use a color descriptor when talking about something different than us, but this, in and of itself, doesn’t make anyone racist, or against people of another color. As I’d mentioned, it can show bias, but without more information, that can’t be held against someone.

I’m quick to jump on the race card because of some of the stories my friends have told me about their lives. It makes me ashamed of my color sometimes. However, I also have to give the benefit of the doubt unless I know otherwise. I can understand how someone of color may not be able to do that as easily.

I do still take offense, however, to anyone who claims that black kids are raised a certain way to listen to Al Sharpton or believe they are owed something. That’s BS. And not a statement anyone who is not raised black or has truly studied black culture and social mores should even attempt to make.
And I totally disagree still with your “that’s life” statement in the form it was expressed originaly. I understand your intent may not be how I, or others, have taken it, however if our society just had a little more respect for each other regardless of color, and realized we can’t just take what someone else has, like “that’s life”… then we’d be a lot better off, for sure. Easy to say. Hard to do.

My disagreement with your statement can mean I just took it the wrong way. No worries. Pittspeed isn’t here to change the world and I ain’t about to pass judgement on anyone for what they write here. Fuck that. I’m going to go out and enjoy the nice hot day. Everything else doesn’t matter. Beer, bikes, and cars. That’s all it’s about here for me. Carry on.

Best post in this thread ^^^ :D.
Drive/Ride safe!

That sucks man


white power!

ok… that was uncalled for

just whoring through

Here is the problem the way I see it . If the color of the kids doing the crime wasn’t commented on this thread wouldn’t have ever gotten this far . If someone said "Some Cracker jumped my ass " how many responses would that get ? Who cares if he mentioned it in the description the color black my man was pissed and that is the way he said it in the begining . So FUCKING WHAT GET OVER IT it was a description and nothing else .

from now on all stories should be told without details, just so nobody gets offended.

They were black, its a fact. If they were white, I would have stated them being white. It was a detail to the story that I included, you dont like it, dont read it.

As for knowing who they are, I still have no idea. From some word of mouth they’re from north view heights. I would hope they aren’t dumb enough to wander around here looking for trouble anymore because if they come back, they’ll find it. It sucks that trash (of ANY COLOR) decides to creep out of their cage to decent neighborhoods and cause shit. Kids around here get jumped every so often and so far none of the kids that have done it were from around here.

North view kids…eh…thats just as bad as homewood…if they get pissed they will return in numbers…as usual…Cowards Run In Packs…fuck em

I agree the descrpition black kids didn’t need to be stated. It wouldn’t have been stated if they were just regualar white kids. Thats just the way our society works. I personally am racist. there are white people and then there are white trash bottom feeders and ghetto wiggers. there are black people and then there are niggers. there mexicans and then there are beaners. this can be said about any ethnicity or social group. Don’t get me wrong though I have black/mexican/whatever the fuck you are friends and in general have no problems or hate for these people because of there skin color, it all breaks down to the individual and there morals and ethics. In other words if your an asshole/dick/tuffguy or whatever of any color I don’t like you. not just because of the skin color. so i guess im just racist against assholes lol.

Our society has everyone so on edge about race that the minute a word is used to describe skin color immediatly people have to take the defensive because “its obvious he meant it in a demeaning manner”

Had it read: “My brother was jumped by 6 tall teenagers with black hair wearing basketball jerseys” (i’m not stereotyping just using an example) You probably would have overlooked the thread and moved on. but because it said black you immediatly took the offensive.

It’s like, we can have black history month but if we have white history month we obviously are supremacists and out to kill every race other than our own /hitler.

I don’t see skin color nor have I ever cared about ethnic backgrounds either, but what DOES bother me is when someone uses that as a reason to claim or promote some kind of racial argument because they are pre-programmed that everyone is out to get them.

Would you post if he said a bunch of mexicans jumped him? Is it ok to say “a group of kids speaking spanish jumped him” instead because somehow they mean something completely different??

It wasn’t a racist remark and it shouldnt’ matter that it was stated, not everyone in this world is out to get the other races/ethnicities/vertically challenged hypocrites in this world.

I refer to friends as “friends” because that’s what they are, I dont’ have “black friends” or “white friends” but if a mexican punk punches me in the face i’m probably going to tell the story that way and i’m sure that’s HUMAN nature not RACE nature. Maybe it’s because I refer to “white” kids as either Punk-ass bitches, or yuppies…that’s so degrading.

The next time I see any reference to “asian models” i’m gonna bitchslap everyone for not calling them “models” no one needed to mention where they were from!

i like black guys because they take all are nasty fat woman white men don’t want to look at anyways




Sorry to hear that your brother and his friend were victims of uncivilized individuals.


A black guy walks into a bar with a beatiful parrot on his shoulder. “Wow,” says the bartender. “That’s really something. Where’d you get it?”

“Africa,” says the parrot.

This thread turned into a small novel… Cliffs anyone?