I hate kids/teens.

Just read the first post by me, the rest was a debate over me stating the fact that the kids were black… which they were.

stinkbox, your wrong.

kurt, thanks. I agree.

The way this thread is going I might as well of called them niggers. Thats how some of you are taking it for some odd reason. I used one word, not rough haired wide nosed ashy skinned crackhead looking knuckle dragging black kids. Some of you are so fucking sensitive its rediculous. Welcome to 2008, they were black, deal with it.

you’re all racists. listen to yourselves, calling black kids black, thats just wrong. especially when everyone knows they prefer to be called niggas.

thug life bitch…


Broke you need to change your Screen name, it is offending me, no need to have a name discribing you as korean. It’s not needed. It should be Brokeassperson.



yet again…pittspeed taking things above and beyond. sigh…reminds me of grade school

xlogic, you started the whole mess. Grade school is going gasp! he said black kids! Its not the first nor the last time someone will describe an african-american as being “black”.



Funny thread…I don’t understand what the big deal about saying black kids jumped my brother…If it was any other race I am sure he would have said 6 mexicans, 6 asians, 6 white kids…etc. Just people get their assholes all tight when a white kid says black people.

Think of it this way. If it was 6 white kids that came into a black neighborhood and bricked a black kid in the head and jumped another one I highly doubt the turn out would have been the same. I would bet the NAACP and the entire neighborhood would be crying race. So shut the fuck up about him saying the word black.

In for banning xlogic next time he crys about a color. Especially since he is color blind and all.



Unlike you…my life goes on pretty damn well without pittspeed! Now if i was to come on here telling everyone how i got jumped by 6 crack ass crackas…i’d be banned right now…but whatever…i’ll bring a keyboard to the next meet i attend…then maybe someone will say something

Now if i was to come on here telling everyone how i got jumped by 6 crack ass crackas…i’d be banned right now…

  1. 6 “crackas” is totally different then saying “6 white guys”. (Though either way wouldn’t bother me at all).

  2. You probably wouldn’t be banned either way.

My life and a lot of others lives go on just fine as well without pittspeed.

As for the crack ass crackas, that would be the same as us calling someone a nigger. So you can’t used that as an example.

Now if you said 6 white kids, then that would be fine and NO ONE should complain unless they like to cry like you do about color adjectives.

This is the reason why racism is still an issue in today’s society. The black guy pulling the race card out over every stupid little thing and turning it around and blaming the white guy for it. And feel free to mix up the colors in the previous sentence and use any race/color if you want, it’s all the same BS whichever way it goes.

I was robbed at gunpoint last year by 2 black guys. My little sister and her friend were robbed at gunpoint 3 years ago in the South Side by a white guy.

and most of all /xlogic

