I hate kids/teens.

What is a cracker? An edible peice of baked bread usually eaten with some type of meat as a snack or with soups, what is a nigger? it was a word derived from niger…which in some languages…means the color black, who do you know…that is actually THAT color? If we are going to refer to colored folk then everyone is colored…i’m just darker than you…

I’m about tired of everyone thinking i’m coming to defend any race at all, my simple question at the jump of this was…what does being black have anything to do with it, yet people fail to realize that…keep on seeing what you want to see and reading what you want to read…i’m not offended by the word black…it just disgusts me how stereotyping is bred into our society, i would have came to the subject if someone went “jumped by six mexicans”.
Like i said before stop thinking every black person is out to get the fucking white man…half of them don’t want shit but your wives in the first place. And to set the record straight…majority of my family is from native decent…i’m about 54-59% native…yet i’m still thrown into the “black” category…fuck stereotypes…fuck the stupid narrow minded fucks on pittspeed…still haven’t learned that your either going to have to deal with me…or don’t fuck with me at all…because its obvious that nobody on this earth is going to shut me up, your welcomed to try:D

wow crazy thread,lol. I guess from my point of view when the op stated that his brother was jumped by some black guys the thread was already headed in the wrong direction. It seems like when blacks are mixed into something that involves trouble etc it automatically gets blown out of proportion. First off 99% of this board is white and i’m not stating that anyone is racist of that percentage but either way u look at it its going to be a biased situation. Were the kids wrong that jumped his brother?? Sure they were. Also whoever made the statement about sharpton,jesse jackson is DEF retarded because it makes no sense at all. My mom was to busy trying to teach me right and wrong rather than referring to some million man march,jesse jackson bs. To justin i hope his brother is alright and the idiots that jumped him will pay in the end.

i’m not offended by the word black…it just disgusts me how stereotyping is bred into our society

If you are not offended, then how can you be disgusted.

I really think you should shut up while you are in a 3 ft hole and not make it a permanet resting place.

As soon as you stop thinking that every white person that says the word “black” is using it as some sort of stereotype or degrading manner rather than a simple descriptor.


If you are not offended, then how can you be disgusted.

Seeing a maggot ridden corpse disgusts me, but doesn’t offend me.

That said, a maggot ridden corpse is reality- and so is the fact that the original posters brother was jumped by black kids. Omitting reality because it disgusts some people is a dangerous road to start traveling down.


Don’t worry he’ll come back with some other bullshit statement proving he can’t grasp that simple concept.

My truck has a black cab!!!
Im not racists my trucks Black & white!

Both good points

Second point just keeps getting echoed in this thread and he can’t grasp it.

roflcopter…that’s racial harmony right there.:hsdance:

xlogic is a serious fucking retard.

So because I’m procrastinating at work I read this entire thread. I agree with xlogic - describing the race of the attackers shouldn’t be stated because it contributes to racial issues. If I was mugged I would certainly tell the cops the skin color of the attacker, but when relaying the story I doubt I would use it. It doesn’t matter and the more the skin color is mentioned the more people have stereotypical thoughts of that race/skin color.

Stereotypes exist for a reason. If they weren’t true, they wouldn’t exist. I am not saying any of it is right or wrong, that’s your own conclusion to make. And you can easily be shut up, someone can just remove your user account and you won’t post on here any longer!

Whte and black people suck… tan people are the coolest!

Ain’t that the f-in truth

Flaw in post: If any other ethnic background/race (including white) were chosen and used in place of said choice…would anyone care? Would you feel compelled to post if the story read “Brother was beat up by 4 Indians while walking through the woods?”

Not even that, but nowhere in this thread did Justin state he was white…It is ASSUMED that because he chose to describe them as black that he obviously must be a white guy tryin to hold the black man down. Had those of us who know him personally not have mentioned his skin color it woulndt even be an issue.

racial profiling is a bitch, but using the race card is even more of a bitch.

I perfer chocolate milk over 2%

Comes from happy cows.

indeed it does…

Please dont refer me to being a racist.

But I was up late last night BEATING THE FUCK OUT OF SOME BLACK PUSSY. !!!