they want you teach your replacement , fuck that , teach them all wrong i get emails from itt every day on jobs i can forward them to ya if you want
Go get some groceries
Newchic…pm for you
When outsourcing becomes a dirty word . . . use “cosourcing”
Straight from Google:
Co-Sourcing or Cosourcing
Cosourcing is where a business function is performed by both internal staff and external resources, such as consultants or outsourcing vendors, with specialized knowledge of the business function.
Cosourcing + 60 days = Outsourced
Outsourced + 10 days = Poor service for clients
Outsourced + 30 days = Hire back “key” personel
I don’t know if I would come back…
I’m not feeling the love right now…
Anyone know anything about “secret shopper” jobs?
My company just might be hiring a helpdesker in the next few weeks…maybe. I’ll keep you posted.
Granted, helpdesk here is NOT like it is at other places- less high volume call handling, much more actual IT work (unless you suck, at which point they stick you on the phone forever).
Well here, lately, if you suck they make you go try to fix things you don’t know how to do… which just pisses the users off.
Where do you work?
Can you send me the link?
I’d like to splatter this all over everywhere.
it’s 9:36, you were done 6 minutes ago. i need you!:sex:
my Getter’s full of hockey bags… meet me at the store?
I’ll be there shortly
newchic, I just sent you PM.
oh really, that’s news to me.
How about japan?
i was off today
I thought you were off everyday :nuts: