I hate my job........

I fucking hate management
I hate that I can’t do anything about it
I hate that no one will listen
I hate that my job is on the line becuase my boss has no idea how to manage a helpdesk
I hate that I have to accept the folks in India will fuck everything up and I am to take extra precautions to help them… when I don’t get the same favors.
Ihate that my manager thinks it’s acceptable to drop an outsourcing bomb and we are to do a better job because of this information.

Fucking assholes…

Anyone hiring?

do u like u pay?

today must be i hate work day. I hear ya sista! Amen!

join the military, they cant outsource

i hate middle management power trip fucks to the fullest. You wanna know the pulse of a company, ask the people at the bottom is they are legitimatly treated well or listen too. my boss is a fucken DOUCHE BAG. he thinks his way is the best for everything. FUCK HIM.

I love my pay… however… my boss is saying that I should train my replacement… so the pay will more than likely be going away…

The helpdesk is possibly being outsourced.

ill hire you.
I need a secretary.

but the pay SUX.


literally. LOL

Didnt you just get this job or am I thinking of someone else??

I’ve had this job for 6 and a half years… I’ve nearly doubled my pay in that time and will have a hard time meeting it, which means Eurodad will have to change his 'way of life" to accomodate.

I hate emo threads

You need to talk to Eurodad about that. I don’t suck anything…

Then get out…

:rofl: atleast your honest. You need a raise for being honest :slight_smile:


I will be soon, Gotta piss you off first :bigok: :bigthumb:

Awww, we’ll listen. What helpdesk you work at? It wouldn’t be Verizon DSL would it? Their helpdesk is transferred to India & they make me want to reach thru the phone & strangle them. I actually refuse to call them. If & when I have another DSL issue, I will probably just switch to Comcast or some other ISP.

sux to be him :frowning:

Comcast > DSL

Are you sure you wanna do that?

Most people know where I work. It is not Verizon DSL. At this point I don’t want to post it only because rumors fly fast. But it is an internal IT Helpdesk. We only deal with employees, not general public.


emo central