I hate NY

my tickets that happened the last 3 weeks are

Unsafe Start meaning i squealed my van round a corner and made big makrs and smoke

Speeding on the I-90 doing 79 in a 65…fucking trooper, i was with everyone else you prick

one guy tried to give me one for following too closely becuase i slammed the brakes in my bonnie when i guy slammed his to turn and my tires squealed becuase they are cheap rubber and bald, he bought it and left me alone

Only one that bothers me is the trooper one is gonna give me points if i cant knock it down, which will kick my insurance up to high heaven.

park your car by my work and leave the keys in it and let someone steal it. best way to get rid of that pos, can’t you trade the court the car for a clean bill or something? then they can use that car as a dummy car to trick people into racing it. :slight_smile: