I hate shitty businesses.

So last night I ordered a hoodie off Cmonwealth.com

All til this morning my paypal said “pending,” which isn’t normal. I called them to ask them what’s up, and the dude answered the phone with “what’s the problem?” I figured whatever, so I just told him my paypal said pending and I wanted to know what was up, and if they would rather use a CC # over the phone or what. Dude said “it’s all good man, its fine” and hung up.

Whatever, they’re probably busy I figure. I checked in a few minutes ago on my Paypal and it says cancelled, and no one picks up their phone now either. I called at 3pm, 4pm, and 4:30pm. When I called at 4:30, they tell me shit’s already sold out. THANKS.

Great to see they’re already up on eBay not even 24 hours after they drop.

Fucking lame. Now I get to call places and hope I catch one before they sell out.

weak. sry to hear that shit.

shitty to hear.

cough better business beurau (SP!!?1) cough

what is their mailing address, we can send them a pile of shit and a note that says “Eat up”

what does this amazing sweatshirt look like


I have a feeling its this one, knowing Don… :gotme:


yea 2 threads about it, is it lined in gold or somthing? lol

that hoodie= :bloated:

Damn son…that shit is off the chizain

pics. sorry im so boring with my black zip-up hoodies.

all this posting about a hoodie…thats is poor business though.