I hate this kid from MIT! Cliff: 'tard goes to Logan w/ fake bomb.**PICS!**

Why do I hate her? Because in 7 hours I will be trying to leave from Logan!


edit: Just posted on CNN.com


Read: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/09/21/bomb.hoax/index.html?eref=rss_latest
There is video also


you mean you hate her

fixed :slight_smile:

“Thankfully because she followed our instructions, she ended up in our cell instead of a morgue,"

They wouldn’t have tased her ass… they would have put a round in her head!

So close to ending up a Darwin Award nominee. Damn police restraint.

“She said it was a piece of art and wanted to stand out on career day,” Pare said at a press conference. “She was holding what was later found to be playdough.”

Affixed to the front of her black sweatshirt was a pale beige circuit board with green LED lights and wires running to a 9 volt battery. Written on the back of the sweat shirt in what appeared to be gold magic marker was the phrase “socket to me” and below that was written “Course VI.”

WTF is wrong with dressing nicely and presenting a well sorted resume? Don’t they teach anything useful at MIT? Like the common sense to not go to an airport wearing a blinking circuit board and carrying a hand full of play dough? Might as well walk in and yell JIHAD!

what a stupid b1tch. :mad:

just posted pic and link to video… what an idiot.


“Thankfully because she followed our instructions, she ended up in our cell instead of a morgue,"

They wouldn’t have tased her ass… they would have put a round in her head!


more like a few dozen rounds

Outside the terminal, Simpson was surrounded by police holding machine guns.

well at least shes not going to school to be a brain doctor :stuck_out_tongue:

some people i know who went to schools like MIT are like that

all brains

no common sense. they’re far too gifted to have time for that shit

ironic, we had a bomb threat at fredonia today


some people i know who went to schools like MIT are like that

all brains

no common sense. they’re far too gifted to have time for that shit


Its amazing the relationship between brains and common sense :slight_smile: