I hate winter

It has it’s moments where it is really pretty and sometimes ok…but generally speaking I FUCKING HATE WINTER! Gotta find a winter job, got laid off cuz I work seasonal. So yeah I’ve been trying to do that and I’m sooooo bored. Went from working 2 full time jobs where I didn’t have enough time to shit, to not doing a fucking thing all day. And my Adderall just kicked in so now I feel like I just took a bunch of speed. Normally I’m busy when they kick in so I dont feel it, but when I dont do anything its just pent up energy up the wazoo. Any who, moral of the story is, I fucking HATE winter.

/ rant

Side note: Anybody doin anything today? lol, I’m bored as all fuckin hell.

So basically you are pissed off because you knew you were going to get laid off in advance, and didn’t look for a job? :wink:

That said, it’s quite the boring day in general.

meh i like the change of seasons

awesome day lined up today, going to teds with oroc, then to the sabres game with bladez, oroc and a bunch of other peeps!

A changes of seasons gives you those chances to get things done that wouldn’t waste warm days on.


So basically you are pissed off because you knew you were going to get laid off in advance, and didn’t look for a job? :wink:

That said, it’s quite the boring day in general.


naw I knew I was getting laid off. doin the uneployment thing till I find somethin decent. Just bored as fuck is all. I’ve been hangin out at my friend’s horse farm. but other than that and badn practice I dont do shit. Hmm maybe I should renew my hunting license lol.

buy a plow?

lol my truck is an S-10 2 wheel drive. I would be goin very far.

Oh well. I got band practice later so I get to tear it u on my new drumms :). I’m getting soooo fucking awsome on the double bass. I love it.


So basically you are pissed off because you knew you were going to get laid off in advance, and didn’t look for a job?



Don’t try to reason with him. He is looking for sympathy because he is too lazy to get a job. He’ll mooch on the system like the welfare people he picks on while he sits on his ass and plays his drums that he won’t pay off in time (quote me :slight_smile: ).

Josh - GO GET A FUCKING JOB AND QUIT BEING A FAG!!! You don’t have any excuses, your shoulder is still attached and your not in the hospital… you have no excuses. Yet, you have all the excuses in the world why you should sit on your ass all year waiting for your seasonal jobs to pull through for you.:violin::violin::violin::violin::violin:




Don’t try to reason with him. He is looking for sympathy because he is too lazy to get a job. He’ll mooch on the system like the welfare people he picks on while he sits on his ass and plays his drums that he won’t pay off in time (quote me :slight_smile: ).

Josh - GO GET A FUCKING JOB AND QUIT BEING A FAG!!! You don’t have any excuses, your shoulder is still attached and your not in the hospital… you have no excuses. Yet, you have all the excuses in the world why you should sit on your ass all year waiting for your seasonal jobs to pull through for you.:violin::violin::violin::violin::violin:




in on 1

face rape on ilse one

find me something to buy i can put on the mustang you can come over and help lol
other than that i might go swimming



Don’t try to reason with him. He is looking for sympathy because he is too lazy to get a job. He’ll mooch on the system like the welfare people he picks on while he sits on his ass and plays his drums that he won’t pay off in time (quote me :slight_smile: ).

Josh - GO GET A FUCKING JOB AND QUIT BEING A FAG!!! You don’t have any excuses, your shoulder is still attached and your not in the hospital… you have no excuses. Yet, you have all the excuses in the world why you should sit on your ass all year waiting for your seasonal jobs to pull through for you.:violin::violin::violin::violin::violin:


:lol: I love you too Jack hug

Oh and thats why I play the drums…I get to sit on my ass :stuck_out_tongue:

Really though… get a job. Then our schedules will match.


Really though… get a job. Then our schedules will match.


:word: Believe it or not Ive been looking, I’m waiting for them to call me back. Called a plumbing place and a maintenence place. Going to call a few more tomarrow.

Robble robble, cube farms ftw

you know, find me a job to and we can car pool LOL


Josh - GO GET A FUCKING JOB AND QUIT BEING A FAG!!! You don’t have any excuses, your shoulder is still attached and your not in the hospital… you have no excuses.


BESIDES Rick Allen still made it!


^ lol.

maybe I’ll just try to become a porn star lmfao j/k j/k