I have a problem

definitely not worried. see my second option if you don’t need more practice.

been focusing on that too. appreciate the concern.

naked pics of said women u are doing. post them naow and host the pics on imageshack so i can see.

do et!!! no backne and no crooked dick pics or any dick pics for that matter.

i will do no such thing good sir. my name is not turbotravis. :lol

I have always wondered what would happen if a perfectly normal individual took viagra or cialis. I always feared possible heart complications cause really all the drug does is stimulate veins and blood vessels to open and allow more blood through. Thats why I beleive some of the side effects are dizziness, headache, flushing and hot flashes all caused by increased blood flow

LOL dude, they’re only a danger to people with EXISTING heart complications.

I stole one from this dude my mom rented a part of our house to when I was 15, all it made me capable of doing was blasting and jumping right back in, literally zero down time, chick’s dad came home right after I jumped back in and was forced to yank out and make a mad dash out of her back porch, breaking her screen door in the process.

I miss being young :frowning:


man i want to try pee pee hardening drugs so bad.

multiple orgasms must be WIN

I wouldn’t know. It just stayed hard, I’m sure I could have had round 2 but had to GTFO.

it does not stimulate blood vessels to open up, what it does is its actually realeases nitric oxide from the nerves into the penis.

i have expierenced head ach and terrible congestion from this. everytime i take it, i always wonder y i cant breath through my nose haha.


My idiot friend took them like 2 months ago. We went to the bar and he kept telling me every time a girl brushed against him he got wood. Needless to say I threw up shortly after hearing the story

That was SOOO funny! I was with him, hes like

“should I take these when drinking?”
me “uhh, yeah, why not”
“ok!”(pops 2 and chugs his beer)

:rofl Hilarity ensued

Yea hes special

Sounds like something my friend Nick and I would do.

But he got off…


Yeah well he is a fag


are you just trumpeting this info out of your windpipe or is it actually true?