I have a problem


OMG I accidentally the entire fleshlight

thank u.

now that i believe u here is what i sugest. tell your doctor that u want off this terrible drug. there is a reason y this is happening. im not sure if cialas will help or not but it might be worth a try.

I love the drug, though. I just cant orgasm, dammit.

i would rather be a little depressed than not be able to O.

just an fyi. when u take drugs like this, over time your body gets use to the dossages. there for u have to up the dose every so often. this is not good. if i could add my 2 cents, get off that shit asap. fucking with your ceratonin levels is never good to being with. add that to not being able to blow a load, thats more depresing than anything i can think of haha.

Cialis i thought just makes it possible to get hard, not affect orgasm in anyway

on a side now, who wants to play ookie cookie? hahahaha

Chris u are screwd.

yea i spelled that wrong huh? haha

anyways, i take this a lot. not a lot but once and awhile. its a unbelievable drug. not only does it make me harder than a fucking steel rod for 3 days, but my O’s are stronger because of this. while being on C, i have had multiple orgasums. believe me or not. and im talking like i blow in her face, then start fucking her and blow in her 2 mins later. its fantastic!

ehhh… d00d… that sucks. (pun intended) talk to peanut jelly butters tho… i hear once he switched from pigs to goats it worked wonders for him. maybe you just need a change of “scenery” or something. i dont think i could handle 2-3 days let alone a few months of not poppin one or more off. maybe some sort of prostate stimulant? idk? good luck

where can i get me some of THAT shit!?:excited and E i mean the drug, not you :wierd

fuckin gross

i havent talked or associated with her in over a year. nice try tho… F for eFfort :Idiots

well first off i would sugest that u go to the doctor, tell him that u are having trouble getting hard. if u have a cool doctor he will just give u something no questions asked. if u have a real doctor, he will test your free testosterone through a blood test. and if this is fine, u are screwed most likely. if not, not only can u get dick drugs but u can also get synthetic testosterone. win win. but…very unlikely due to your age.

so next step would be make good friends with a local drug dealer. haha

im sure a dime piece has replaced her :wierd

he didnt say he had a problem getting hard, he has a problem ejaculating.

shit, fuck, fail… i get a hard on if the fuckin breeze is right. i just happen to like the idea of nutting repeatedly in/on whatever girl happens to be enjoying the ride that particular day…

wouldnt you like to know :gay ROFL

yes but somethings will make u more sensative.

practice more and or sleep with hotter women.

i don’t have this problem?? :retardclap

had PLENTY of practice. dont you worry bout me.