Question in regards to clutch install


yes…You should torque in an opposite manner meaning if you have 6 bolts your sequence would look like a star of david and it must be evenly torqued…(ie not running one down at a time) otherwise you warp the plate


Yep, that’s how I torqued it down. I’m trying to understand how the fingers moving is a good thing…if they move, then the pressure plate disc is in contact with the clutch disc and there is a greater distance between the TO bearing and the fingers…and when the TO bearing contacts the fingers and I push the clutch pedal down, is it possiblte that I can’t fully disengage the clutch, thus making it somewhat difficult to shift???

EDIT: okay…your explanation makes sense. I jsut keep trying to find a reason as to why this car is such a pain to get running properly.