Alright i purchased this car maybe not more than a month and it seems that my clutch is a bit too stiff for a stock clutch and pressure plate. I drove my other friend’s s14s and mine is nowhere near their softness. What could be the problem? I already adjusted the clutch to release practically at the floor so this would be already the softest setting. Also, my friend test drove the car and said since my clutch is so low, it might not be fully disengaging and i get probelms getting into first and reverse. Can anyone help me…i dont want my left leg becoming twice the size of me right leg!! lol
Just suck it up and be a man, I have to fight with mine everyday
Are you sure it’s a stock not a racing cluch? Racing pressure plates are stiff by nature. Has the car been sitting for a long time at one point? My slave cylinder on my s13 seized because of sitting. Rusted up. the other thing i can think of is the shaft that the release bearing rides on is dry. No grease or full of cluch dust causes the release bearing to also seize up.
Ya, take it apart and see what you have in there, if it is aftermarket :thumleft:, by stiff do you mean smooth and hard to push or does it feel like there is other restance that would not be a spring?
springs in the clutch disk can break/seize/wear… would can cause the pedal to stiffen up then cause the springs wont want to compress or what not as easily…
if you dump the clutch in 1st then kick it into 2nd etc… “a fast as you can” then if the pedal gets softer after wards then you have a damaged disk/pressure plate.
and as stated above… are you SURE its not an upgraded clutch ?
ya the owner is pretty sure its all stock. the mechanic said theres no leaks in MC or no air in clutch lines. I also noticed while i depress the clutch it gets harder and harder till the very end…its noticably harder. Im also wondering about this huge srping near the threaded rod. when you push the clutch this spring moves up and down…could that be causing the stiffness in the clutch? and my friend has a stage 2 or 3 clutch and mine is still way stiffer than his. and im not complaing a pansy or watever cause its hard…it just pisses me off cause my foot keeps moving up…to a pt where im actually pressing the top metal part b4 the clutch pad itself…its a pain in the ass…
if your talking about the spring in the clutch pedal, not sure what that type of spring is called but it doesnt really compress or decompress, it tightens and untightens…
anyway… that thing can sort of go in 2 ways, maybe whoever put it in did it wrong or something… its a pretty strong spring so it could be causing the stiffness.
I have done tons of clutchs and never seen broken spring on the pressure plate only on the disk. But who knows it could be! I would live with it untill it’s time the replace the clutch or do some smoke shows that will get you into a new clutch soon. lol
Might wanna get under the dash with some white-lith spray grease and oil up the pedal assembly and main spring etc, especially if you hear squeaking when depressing the clutch pedal. It just might help if something is seized in that area.
theres no squeaking at all and ive tried putting wd40 on every single moving part under the dash. would wd40 do anything or does it have to be lith grease? so im guessing its not a MC or slave problem since theres no leaking? ill try the grease tonite and let u guys know. thanks
dude… both the slave & master cylinder can leak internally and just flow back into the resovour. or they can leak and drip etc…
your throwout/release bearing could be siezing up
your clutc disk or pressure plate could be toast
new MC is like $30 and a new Slave is like $30… so those two are easy to fix/cancel out as the problem.
throwout/release bearing should be around $30 @ nissan for an OEM one…
Clutch kit will start around $300 roughly ? (just guessing)
so you need to start replacing shit pretty much and go from there…
icc so should i get a new MC then bleed it (or vise versa) and…if the problem isnt gone then get new slave…? and i how do i know if i need a new MC and slave? can you feel a difference if its leaking internally? does anyone wanna check my car for me??
the throwout bearing’s only job is to allow the clutch assembly to turn with the engine and give a surface for the fork to push on in any position, would not be making stiff pedal bigger than input shaft,
you should isolate the master cylinder and see if the pedal and lever sys is still stiff
then check by reconecting and removing the slave cylinder if that doesent help ,rip the tranny off