Clutch Feel is too Soft! :S

hey guys, I’ve noticed since I’ve bought
my car, when I step on to the clutch it goes in too easily…
other than that, no problem with shifting, just the clutch makes
a sqeaking noise everytime I engage it along with the loose feel.

So far I’ve heard it could be the pressure plate from
a buddy of mine, but if you guys got any other thoughts
or solutions that’d be appreciated.


There is no need to bump Technical threads.

Take it to a mechanic.

Possible hyrdaulic leak in the system, ie. slave cylinder - or master etc…also might be air in the system and may just need some careful re-bleeding?

Good luck.

Thanks bro, it seems like those could be one of the problems…

either way I’ll check it out with a mechanic or some other pro, see what they can come up with, lol…

My pedal is soft too ive jsut gotten used to it …i have a auto to 5 speed swap done so its not the parts i got them all new…mechanic just told me it was the way to preasure plate is on that certain clutch…i have Exedy clutch so i dunno some are just that way i guess.

hmm…your probably right eh, because Mike from JDM Imports, buddy of mine test drove my car and told me that my pressure plate was soft and that some of these cars clutches tend to be easy to depress.

I don’t know, not an issue or anything, just the feel I guess, but either way I’ll still have a look around and see what others have to say about it.

mine is soft too…its just because of the holding power, upgrade it to something stronger and you’ll see.

yeah some clutches are very soft… sometimes its uncomfortably soft even, my sisters del sol is that way - i always think somethings wrong with it when i first start driving but after a while you get used to it and dont even notice.

no big deal, if it bites hard just live with it :slight_smile:

Interesting, well at least it ain’t as bad as those
other serious “heavy” type clutches you find in older sports cars, etc…

I can live with it, but if after market comes into play, I’d make it more
of a stiffer feel.

Anyways though, appreciate the feedback :slight_smile:

yeah, but i prefer more heave clutches as opposed to our soft ones, for now i mean ;)…