Clutch gone gay.

So, my clutch was working perfectly fine up until the last time I drove my car… but suddenly, when I got in my car that morning, the clutch went retarded… let me try to explain…

  1. The engagement point seems to have changed. As soon as I lift my foot even 0.05mm off the clutch, the car tries to pull forward… the engagement point is extremely low.
  2. The clutch feels REALLY soft (pressing it in) up until maybe 3/4 of the way in… and upon release, it feels sticky, it stays in place at first and then pops back out quickly…
  3. When I try to engage into 1st/reverse or downshift, the gears (most of the time) either 1. don’t want to go into place or 2. grind into place…

Judging by problems #1 and 3 it seems as though something magically shifted and my clutch no longer fully engages…but then problem #2 kinda worries me at the same time…

What do you guys think?

Are your breaks acting funny as well? Check the fluid reservoir as the clutch cables.

Check the rod that pushes the fork on your tranny. Make sure that piston hasn’t popped out, or the rod/fork damaged. Also, make sure it’s not leaking fluid. BreedOfSpawn, there are no clutch cables.

Thanks, I’ll have a look at it asap…

dont touch the rod

there is air in the system


bleed the shit and figure out where the leak is, imguessing slave cylinder

yup do not touch the rod

avery, i’ll touch my rod all i want and there’s nothing you can do about it!

TOUCH THE ROD!!! then leak all the fluid !!!

After you are done bleeding the fluid, if there is still some difference in how it used to be, check out the rod that the clutch pedal hits, right behind the pedal. It may need some adjusting aswell.

Both hydrolic systems (Clutch/Brake) are isolated from each other. The only brake cable(s) is the emergency brake cable.

Chris, my clutch does this and I know my slave is almost dead. When your engagement point is on the bottom try and lift your pedal up and see if there’s any play.

Slave cylinder for sale, 30 bucks, PM is key if you need one. JDM fresh with softline, zero rust.

Weak. I have a real JDM Slave for sale. 15 years old. Underbody is clean. She’s definitely fresh.

Mines with ‘softline’ which is at the most 10 years old! But considering a new slave from nissan costs 34 dollars + the softline is extra, some might accutally consider buying a used one hahahahahah I love son.

I’m confused… how can a clutch go happy?
I don’t get what’s so ‘gay’ about a clutch not engaging correctly… it doesn’t sound fun at all, sounds like the opposite of fun…
What’s a good word for the opposite of fun… catholicism?

slave cylinder is toast, thats all there is to it.

how to fix:
1)buy slave
2)replace slave
3)bleed clutch line
4)drink beer

  1. Get krunk and listen to some paul wall

Yo Chris, bleed the clutch first and see what happenes.


Did you have time to adjust the pedal yet? Just wanted to know if it fixed your problem. I got the same issue…


I know exactly whats wrong… this is the second time i fixed this problem once on my 240 once on my friends civic. :frowning: Either the master cylinder or slave cylinder is leaking or somewhere in the system there is a leak. check the drivers compartment if there is fluid behind the clutch pedal its leaking from the master cylinder, if not lift the car and check the slave cylinder under the tranny. In both cases you would have to replace it and bleed the system… bleeder screw in on slave cylinder… also check your reservour it should be really low because is leaking…Tell my if thats works.

You dont know that for sure… both of the fixes ive done have been the master. dont make him buy a slave and lose money… Check both.