I have an experiment for anyone who didn't think the plane will take off

But why would a conveyor belt want god to fly?

Because the conveyor belt is Atheist, and doesn’t want Him near itself.

If that was the case wouldn’t the conveyor belt be loaded with dirt trying to bury god, and not send him into the heavens?

Maybe, another possibility is, the conveyor belt was looking out for God, since he is old, and cannot run as fast as the conveyor belt spins. His Staf simply cannot keep up, even with Thrust power on his side.

It’s unpossible to know the true feelings of the conveyor belt.

you guys have seriously fucking lost it.

This thread has more lives than Dracula. Who’s responsible this time?

Its a secret Government project. If you find out who is responsible, men in black suits will come to kill you.

No the conveyor belt did as everything rolled off the end of it. :frowning:

I thought Dracula was (un)dead?


Ok, it has more lives than the Awweeeeeee Kittah thread… That better?

if people show up on the conveyor belts front door at 6 am to convert it to a different religion, will that have an effect on if the plane can take off the next day ?

You’d have to ask BadNewsMini about that one…

< my thaughts exactly.

depends more on air speed, if the wind is pushing down river, and the plane is pointing up river, it will actually assist the plane in takeoff. It will reduce its actual speed, but the total airspeed over the wings of the plane is increased.

Assuming that the thrust of the engines are capable of overcoming any negative “ground (water) speed” caused by the force of water flowing in the opposite direction of the movement of the plane. I feel that any modern age airplane engine will be able to take off.

and thats because you do not understand newtowns second law, newton’s third law, and fluid mechanics

easy put…

Airspeed is the only thing that fucking matters with lift… pretend there are no wheels on the plane, or pontoons

Um…How can a stationary aircraft suddenly go into the air when NO wind is creating lift under the wings?

Why do you know this? :poke: