I have an experiment for anyone who didn't think the plane will take off

read newtons second, third laws, and take a class in fluids and come back

Exactly :slight_smile:

the plane will never be stationary

the original question never states that the runway will move fast enough to cause the drag of the wheels to force the plane to stay stationary

the original problem simply states that the runway will move backwards as fast as the plane moves FORWARDS

the original problem states the plane will move forward (it would have to, otherwise the treadmills speed wouldnt increase)

planes which move forward generate lift

planes that generate lift will fly

Ahhh gotchya.

exactly, F=M*a, there will be a force on the air because of a acceleration of the air through the jet, than there is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction(lamemans translation), meaning since the jet is acting on the air, the air is going to be acting on the jet causing movement, and since there will be a forward movement, there will be a reactive force on the wing forcing the plane to fly

the ONLY POSSIBLE limiting factor is if the planes wheels / axles / bearings cause sooooo much drag that the plane ran out of power to speed up further

if energy cannot be created or destroyed, then where did energy come from?

how about you take the wheels off the jet and see if it flys then… problem solved.

I don’t believe this thread… either everyone is a sarcastic asshole, or this is the dumbest group of people ever.

kevin716 has the right idea

temper temper temper

the conveyor belt loves all people. it gave us its only son who died for our sins.

god had gas one day…

I think you might be on to something there…

Leave the bluepills alone.


Find your Pepperidge Farm bread lately?

Ive taken a LOT of math and physics courses, been to alot of airshows, know a guy that works on planes for a living, and understand (basically) the mechanics of modern aircrafts and their underlying principles.

Edit: I refuse to beleive in this “conveyor belt” until you show me proof of this conveyor belts existence. I say it’s owners manual was written by humans, not the conveyor belt, so unless you have hard evidence I refuse to say it exists.

So does the conveyor move if you have two planes facing away from each other taking off? And what if the conveyor wants to fly, that poor conveyor belt. :frowning:

What if the airplane is on a conveyer belt in a wind tunnel whose wind is constantly blowing at the same speed and direction as the conveyer belt?

what i said! no wheels and the answere should be there.

Obviously the tunnel would take off, duh.

the plane will take off… it would rule out the conveyer belt and create lift.