I have an experiment for anyone who didn't think the plane will take off

Fucking Thrust? http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/image.php?u=265&dateline=1131513492



And for a third time IN THE SAME THREAD I must unsubscribe. Will someone just write Mythbusters and have them solve this?!

doing so now

original question (first post first thread) will be posted in the mythbusters “show suggestions” forum

i expect that the thread will explode in a fierce debate betwen the clueless, and the people that know it will fly, and mythbusters will be forced to do a show about it



you already got pwned on that thread.

I still can’t believe that some people still think the plane won’t fly. I have explained it so many ways. Thrust will move the plane forward and create lift= plane will fly end of story. The Plane will Fly. The giant treadmill means nothing because the plane is not driven by it’s wheels.

i know i know … ive xplained in numerous times also… but its futile …

I tried using the explanation of force done upon the air will be equal and opposite to force done on the plane, hence the plane will move

Hell I’ve even used a game to recreate the same scenario with video proof of it. To no avail. :lol:

Everytime i visit this thread my blood pressure rises.

I just laugh. :lol:

OK, so how about if you have a sea plane on a river flowing south, with a strong wind blowing north, and the plane is facing south, and the terminal velocity of a swallow in free fall is 100 m/s? Do republicans still want to fuck your baby?

Maybe, yes, and of course.

bump cause I needed to laugh



teee heeeee. stupid boring work




teee heeeee. stupid boring work






no sitting around the study wells in capen anymore?

downstairs watching lectures in capen, not on my laptop lol… lunch at 11 perhaps?


bump cause I needed to laugh


you. are. an. idiot.


downstairs watching lectures in capen, not on my laptop lol… lunch at 11 perhaps?


i get outta work and hafta go to a stupid lab at 11. sucks