I have compiled of all the competent e-fighters on Pittspeed...

if your name doesnt appear on this list, you really shouldnt post in this forum.

  1. 1320
  2. Darkstar


i am noob to e fight so i am learning master darkstar

The Glamour of Pool Cleaning:

  1. Crypto is a germ that causes diarrhea. Crypto, short for Cryptosporidium, is found in infected people’s stool and under Darkstar’s fingernails. This germ is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive for long periods of time and makes it resistant to chlorine disinfection found in pools.

  2. Vomiting while swimming appears to be a common event. Often, vomiting is a result of swallowing too much water and, therefore, the vomit is probably not infectious. However, if the full contents of the stomach are vomited expect to find Noroviruses/Giardia.

Since killing Giardia is the basis of CDC’s formed fecal accident response recommendations, this protocol should be adequate for disinfecting a potentially infectious vomit accident.

my arm pits are itchy

ya cause pool cleaners are any better than maids…

i have to pooop

i just did poop!

x3 last night i could shit thru a screen door and not touch a wire!

I am going to go poop now

get cummed in again?

wings, beer, crown royal, then come home to drink some apple cider -FTL

you talk like you’ve had experience with cum in ass?

Make sure you remove Chad’s penis from your sphincter first.

I dont think our combined powers can save this forum from the immense faggotry that it has become. I’m willing to give it a try though.

“If there’s a poop fairy, I can make a lot of money.”

Yes, you defintely can. Is there a button you can press to remove yourself permanently from this board? That would be the only way

see, this is a perfect example of the sad and pathetic attempts at e-thuggery that have come to be commonplace in this forum. Had this retort contained references to my mother, a midget, a red hot fire poker, and David Hasselhoff, then it might have been interesting. But you post this pussy shit. /yourself you fucking cunt.

and herein lies the problem. within my rebuttal to your obviously uncoordinated response had I brought up mrs. knapp other than to speak of the numerous 3-somes containing the previously stated mrs. knapp and a person who wishes to be withheld (1320) or the the fact that while you touch yourself to pictures of zack from saved by the bell burnyd (the midget) pokes you in your poopshoot with a red hot poker then I would have brought them up.

However I wish to speak more along the lines of the absolute disregard for the for the other people in this forum who do not care to hear the faggot pageantry which encompasses your daily life.

I beg you to go the way of the loraina bobbets husband and chop off your own penis to prevent the world with another child destined to be cloudy with a chance of fag. Although by doing this you would distort your obvious love obsession with small boys named dan (your ‘‘midget’’ burnyd) its probably better for all of us in the long run

your friend,

:rofl: ahahahahahahah bahahahah aaahahahah ^^ :owned:

Just shut up:fart:

well put chaz…