i have take 4 different types of allergy meds

and not a single fucking one is working


but i have puffs plus eith aloe, and they are the shit.

is anyone else getting their asses kicked right now?

Eyedrops you bitch

my gf… I’m sick of her sneezing

UGH it makes me so mad!!!

I think I’m going to dump her

I have allergies year round…it sucks…the only drugs that work make me fall asleep.

I feel ya


well i havent found a medicine that works particularly well, but i developed a combo thats sure to help you sleep at night…

reg dose of benadryl + reg dose of nyquil + 2 beers.

been doing it the past 3 nights and i wake up feeling a little better each day.

hmmm…so if I trippled that dose I would feel 3 times better every day…

fer real tho…I like that


its not recommended, but it knocks you the fuck out so you can sleep through the night.

i just took some tylenol allergy complete. i think it is the last drug on the shelves; so if this doesnt work, i am fuct

I take shots mine are so bad…That and some eye drops when my eyes get real bad.

what do you do shots of that helps? cuervo?

You might wanna go to your doctor and get allergy shots

if they dont work you’re fucked


eyedrops help alot with other allergy symptons…even if ur eyes arnt dry…you will be suprised

what brand of eye drop am i looking for?

the shit i just took seems to be helping, or it could be that my body just can not produce any more snot. i have use more than 1/4 of a box a tissues today.
thats a lot of boogy

Optopics - Artificial Tears

Beer is best, I’m broke…
but seriously I went for allergy testing and I’m real allergic to all types of pollens, so they gave me this stuff to neutralize the ones I’m allergic to. I take shots 2x a week so eventually I will build up an immunity to said allergies and not have to take anything.

I am in the same boat, I have been taking Claritin and Allegra and both of them don’t DO shit

My co-worker markets Zyrtec and I know some people who take it and love it. It is perscription only but ask your Doc for some samples and they’ll usually hook you up.

I’m coughing like a mo fo’, so I feel your pain.

If your ok during the day and can’t sleep at night, I just take some “nighttime allergy” stuff that knocks me out.

hope that helps … . .

zyrtec (spelling?) > *

i get it real bad this time a year, and it always helps…not 100%…nothing is perfect…but this shit is damn good

tavist nd is the only thing that works for me, i was in your position last year

Get a neti pot! I have one and it works great. Seems wierd at first, but it is very soothing.

