i heard...

Its spelled Rudolph no rudolf. I guess its obvious you haven’t saved enough money to make it back to school to increase your level of stupidity. First class you should take should be about combustibles.

thank you for your insightful words. ill file that under not giving a shit. thanks and come again.:thumbup

You still have room in the drawer, Damn I thought I filled that a long time ago.

Ill be honest with you travis, I wasnt taken by any of your past escapades so those who were might feel differently. However if you responsibley pay your way out of debt and prove you have changed it would definitely be positive towards changing peoples opinions.

You also might want keep yourself on the DL as much as can be until then. Where are you working these days?

its a circular file… emptied weekly… check the clifton park town dump for copies…

your saying this to others but wont back it up yourself./…

grow up, get over it and move on about your STI and my SS

wow and it starts all over again

honestly im not out to change anyones opinion of me… thats not a goal here. people can judge me for how i am around them and see how i am in person rather than listening to someone spout shit thats 90% false anyways. i have a big grievance with certain individuals but im not here to bother with that. im talkin cars and it is what it is. like me or hate me i could care either way. didnt bother me before and it dont bother me now. as far as my work id prefer not to bring that to the forums. if people decide they wanna screw with me thats the last place i want it to happen. i dont need to lose my job over some douchebag starting shit where i work… ya follow?

i could care less about my “charred tuna can” as you put it or your oversized catfish. howz bout that?

you’re welcome?

obviously your full of shit on the “not caring part” because look at what your started this thread about? get over it.

i was “nudged” to create it by other people who shall remain nameless… i personally dont care if u spray, blow or turbo ur car or if it blew up tomorrow. its a car forum. big… fuckin… deal.:Idiots

Probably the best answer you could have given.

i try…:lol

well you need to get new accurate sources.

start asking urself who might have told me this… dont blame the messenger, blame the informant…

I know who said this, not sure why because I do NOT own a nitrous kit.

i missed this!!! :thumbup


there were 6 shift members in the room when this was said… just an FYI…