I just filled up...

bahaha…FOr REAl… I just got back from Felt O sonic…I took me almost ten minutes before i could get a pump…but its cheaper than anywhere else…
This shit is pissing me off…Im gonna have to add water or something to the gas tank…–>
1/2 tank gas
----------------- = $ 1 dollar and some change …Kabooom!
1/2 tank of water


Well I guess I’m just a young bird.

just raise our gas prices 20cents… its now $2.99 3.09 3.19

gas station across the street, 93 is $3.01

i love driving to work and watching my gas guage drop the whole way, i had a full tank on monday and now im almost to E

people panicing and rushing out to “stock up” on gas isnt helping matters. it will just be a matter of time before it settles back out again, sure it will never be less than $1 or even $2 probably. but with all these people acting like its the end of the world and running around screaming is just fucking things all up worse.


Ross Perot wanted to add 5 cents per gallon to payoff the national debt in about one year and people said he was crazy.:lol:

This kind of puts it into perspective huh.

My mom says she misses the price of .34 for gas.

The station by my house is $3.319.
The cheapest I saw all day was $2.779.

wow…Now that would be nice…:slight_smile:

i just paid $3.04 for 93 :frowning:

Yeah but that would mean you would have to make a sacrifice.:jawdrop: Heaven forbid people change their routines and go out of their way to compensate for teh price difference.


its 3.21 for 93 in EA

its 3.39 for 93 in NT

I am seriously considering using cab companies a little more on the weekend. Not such a bad deal now. I doubt they would change their prices this quickly to reflect gas prices.

yup and again another $.20 today
it went up 50cents in 3 days
now its 3.19 3.29 3.39
i wonder how much it’ll go up tomorrow
this is really getting out of hand… i hope they think of a solution quick

$4+/gallon in the spring and my first step is buying a bike… loan if need be.

I saw 93 for $3.999 in St. Johnsville and Palatine last night while making a delivery.