Congrats Joe, I said my car wasn’t going to get sold either… and then I accidentally the whole thing.
congratulations joe
congrats Joe!!!
lol congrats! i guess im out of the loop i never even seen or heard about this girl! wtf
But congrats again good times!
Congrats and welcome to the club. Get ready for all your relatives to start asking every time they see you “when are you having kids”.
marriage is for suckers.
but congrats.
Congrats Joe.
When is she due? Congrats.
Congrats Joe.
Don’t forget our talk at Bubble Tea. Make sure you look out for number 1.
Srsly, congrats though. I am happy for you.
You want to show a bunch of car guys a picture of a ring?? Where are the pictures of the girl?! And she better be wearing a bathing suit in them, or stradling the hood of a car.
Oh, and congrats on the engagement :tup:
does lotus make a mini van? lol congrats
What is his name?
wow, alot of love there… but they do have some facts there…
CONGRATS, enjoy every moment. Do it right and do it once.
Congrats Joe!
Bah. For the record I’ve never once regretted getting married. If you’ve got a decent chick it’s way better than being single.
congratulations joe!
Congrats Joe.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Congrats bro guy!