I just Got Robbed

lol juan, thief


Sorry 2 hear :tdown:

ya, it happened to someone on the barf from NYC…except the person was scammed into buying a box full of rocks instead of a laptop.

buy a taser on ebay. i had a 500,000 volt one. that shit was powerful as fuck. it’d put em to the ground in a second

you’re probably already gone, but what bank was it?

that really sucks :frowning: hopefully they caught it on video and they can catch those guys…ask around about them…maybe someone knows the thieves and can help the cops find them. good luck with everything!!

id suggest applying for your pistol permit. or carry some sort of self defense weapon…thats why i hate the city…although if sombody broke into my house, well…first theyd have to go threw mt 4 dogs who would rip them to shreds…then me who has 2 shotguns in my room, and my dad who has 9 in his.

id much rather lose $300 than bear the burden of knowing I took someones life…

That really sucks… my dad tells me stories all the time like this from experiences he’s had working constuction in Buffalo’s not so nice neighborhoods…

He told me his constuction buddy got hussled THREE times by the same dude… they come up with all sorts of shit, the computer box is the most common.

My buddy in high school got suckered into the same deal… opened it up, newspapers… So what did he do? He went downtown the next day, and did the same thing to someone else and got his money back…

live and learn… then get tums.

thats really shitty, sorry to hear, at least you lived to learn your lesson. i hate thieves and they are wothless pieces of shit who need to die slow and painful deaths. /rant

good idea…:tup:

you’re probably already gone, but what bank was it?

I think its citizen bank or some shit…Or charter one…one of those…not sure…

Where in Lancaster do you work?

I work for NORAMPAC…It used to be AIM corrugated. Its ON 4444 walden, about 1/2 mile from Pavement…

o well…Im still alive guys…Thats what counts…
THanks to all for making me feel better…

…why, would you ever think this was a good idea, i mean… seriously.

first, glad ur ok.
second, pistol permits in NY are a good thing!!

fucking scumbags like that deserve to be shot, or brutally crippled.

just because you carry a gun or knife and defend yourself doesn’t mean you have to kill the person. If you shoot someone in the gut, in a non fatal way I think they will learn their lesson … right then and there. And then they will go to jail.

Then you can shoot up the other guys truck as he gets away… hopefully shooting one of them in the head, ending his life, and you’ll never be caught cause his buddies will never stop to wait for the cops.

shoot to kill jack, the laws are so fucked up you really need to make it a kill, that way ur covered. The way the laws are if u shoot and dont kill, the scumbag can actually take u to court, kinda stupid i know, but thats how NYS operates

I know. But in a populated area like a bank, I think his limp body flailing out of your car with a gut full of blood would be able to get witnesses on your side. Especially with the get-away car being shot up in the process. Hopefully he doesn’t fall out of your car… and you get to drive away and leave his body on the rez.

:word: Thats some shit aint it?

you + pistol = you dead

you think his buddies didnt have weapons? who do you think has less to lose? you or him?

the majority of homicides happen when people try to defend themselves

the way I see it, first youd have to shoot him, unlink the movies he wont just magically fall out of your car…he will either die instantly or keel over. In either of these cases you will have to remove him from your vehicle, by this point his friends have either A: killed you B: sped off


i figure you got a better chance given him your shit.


:tspry: Thats the way I look at it too…

damn, glad to hear you got outa there ok. I’ve been hearing of these guys with the newspaper computers for years now and they stopped by one of the garages I used to work at to try to scam us, but that wasnt happining and we ended up scaring that guy shitless for tryin to pull a fast one on us. Fucking Scumbags!

If it sounds to good to be true, it probably aint true.

JEG wrote:

me…i dont take shit from people and ALWAYS carry a knife on me…ida stuck it in his throat before he knew whats up.

Yeah. I’m sure you would have…on the internet.

Of course, in real life, his friends would then have gotten out of the Jeep and shot you in the fucking face. :shoot: :rofl: