I just Got Robbed

This coming from the same kid who cried online about not being able to get his paintball stuff back. And now is crying about his little shoulder.


I was thinking about it…carry a Assault rifle with a mounted grenade launcher…

Imagine the looks on their faces when you step out of your car and load a grenade into the chamber


oh…I watch too many action movies


I prefer the bazooka. Nothing like carrying around a garbage can full of nasty on your shoulder. Or do the Menace to society thing and just leave a nuke in the back of a mail truck… worked pretty good for Wayans.

lol just noticed your title ‘speeder sr.’

can’t relate, but that totally sucks.
you’re lucky you didn’t get carjacked too.

having a gun would be bad because i know i would have shot him right in my car and that would have been a pretty sticky situation. especially over $300. i’ve never heard of anyone actually having anything but newspaper/rocks/bricks in a sealed box sold on the street.

but at least this tells me not to mess with them. i know some of us think that if someone like that approached us with a “too good to be true” deal we might mess with them a little bit. i’m just going to stay far away

yeah it’s probably the same guy that jacked axtc777 or whatever a few months ago. same scam - cheap laptop, only he didn’t check the box until after…

I hate getting robbed… I always have bad dreams after. Actually the dreams feel good because it is always the same dream of me catching the person robbing me and hitting them in the neck with a crowbar.

glad to hear you’re alright.

seriously though, that sounds from the get-go like a scam to me. i dunno, i’ve seen a bunch of them and know what they look like. i fell for one once, the “let me grab the shit out of my car, you can see it if you want” - then when you get next to the seemingly innnocent and very empty car, another pulls up along the other side and you are trapped in between two cars.

i am always aware of my suuroundings, but the other driver pulled up very slowly and calmly - that was a new one :tdown:

next time i’m sure, the lesson will be in practice. but fo reelz, if it seems to good to be true - it is.

i bet you not one of em was carrying a gun. i dont think theyd risk the felony charge if they were caught with it. and i dont think theyd shoot you over a computer box with newspapers and risked life in prison when they coulda just scammed someone else. these are small time theives that know they are intimidating and feed on peoples misconception that Buffalo’s thugs are like the LA gangs in the early 90’s. but hey you did the safe thing…prolly a better move. i personally would’ve shanked em unless one of em physically pulled a weapon on me. thats why i got the fuck outta the city.

seriously though, sticky this or keep it bumped to make sure the word gets out. that way if anyone else gets that offer they can refuse, but try to check the license plate, etc.


I’ve opened my mouth a time or two… where if I was anywhere else, I would have been shot. But this is not usually the case. Do what you think is right, and the people in the wrong will usually back off. I never met a thief who wasn’t a real sissy in real life. You tell that mother fucker to get his fucking ass out of your car or you will fucking kill him. Chances are he will get out of the car and run into the truck with his panzy friends thus allowing you to drive away un harmed and still pay the rent on Friday. On the other hand, you say get the fuck out, he pulls a gun, and you give him all your money. It was worth a try and at least you didn’t puss out immediately. I try not to say anything when my friends or fiance are around cause theres always that chance of getting caught, but sometimes you gotta stand up for yourself. You could prevent it from happening to someone who isn’t able to defend themselves… you could save somebody else… just by doing the right thing.

I know a lot of you said… yeah give him the money… thats the best thing to do. That may be the case for some of you, but I don’t work for nothing. I spend a lot of my life at or around work. I work for money. If I lose money, I wasted that much of my life.

Fuck them I say. Stand up for yourself and stand up for those who are unable to do so.

Noble, but dangerous

to each his own


yay for my tazer i keep in my car!

I do have a couple of BIG BOY toys in my house but i asked the wife if i can keep the shit in my car and she says no…wife > ME <–Big time…lol

Well…THe bank coulnt help me…Hopefully the cops will have better luck than me…O well…

WHat im gonna do is, pullover every black male that drives a black LAREDO and beat the crap out of them…jk…

sorry to hear about this i jsut noticed the thread today, your probably better of f not doing anything to him. its not that hard to get a gun and no one who carries a gun illegally is worried about the law. it was just some ghetto trash. Glad you are ok. by the way my brother used to work there how long have you been there?

I’ll just say that im glad your ok. Must be smarter next time bro.

that sucks man, glad your ok. good luck finding them

i dont work there…I was just coming out of the DRive thru ATM…
BTW thanks…

no i meant AIM or norampac, he was there like 5 years ago i think maybe a little more.

O yeah…NOrampac…I’ve been there for 5 year now…My wifes grandpa just retired from there, and her uncle works there too… WHats his name…?

hey guys what do you think of this…? http://cgi.ebay.com/Wholesale-TALON-MINI-80-000-voltage-compact-STUN-GUN_W0QQitemZ5799187956QQcategoryZ79850QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem