I just saw the funniest thing ever.

I just saw a white Dodge Ram Pick-up stuffed full of big burly Amish men, with a SUPER FAKE plate on the back of the truck, speeding down Rt. 20. The back-end was super low, and the bed of the truck was covered. I wonder what they were hauling. Hahahah.

I kept getting stuck next to them at every red light. I couldn’t stop cracking up.

hopefully they are bringing me my new rocking chair i just ordered for the front porch.

Should I have done anything about it, legally?

nah, they are amish. they only smell a bit. other than that- they dont deserve to be hassled. lols

and they make amazing furniture.

They all had funny straw hats on.

I saw this picture of dawn in the postyourownpics thread…that was kinda funny!

Siq burn!

ohhh i thought the answer was a mirror