i just want to kill people today

im in such a shitty mood. i dont want to be at work. im exhausted from yesterday. all i want to do is hit people in the face. with a bat. especially when u yell at me because we sold out of something yesterday that was on special for some rediculous price and you expecct it to still be here today. die in a fucking fire.

Bahhahahha…YOu suk…jk

your job sucks…lol…

Have FUN!

I’d recommend a few beers…

ohh yeah…I almost forgot…IM drinking right now…I’ll drink one for ya…lol

fuck that im not drinking again for a long time…at least a month lol, i feel like ass from teh party last ngiht. im done puking but my head is pounding. I think im gona go to the fire hall and start myself an iv

I went food shopping today and actually think I had an anxiety attack because of all the ppl cutting infront of me etc. I was thinking… cant I just get my food and go?

im gonna get fucking shitty tonight.

ofcorse not, people dont care about anybody these days, its all me me me…thats why this country is the way it is…nobody cares.

:rofl: haha yea, like the ignorant asshole who decided to call me a dickhead and I walked away and flipped out after…I was at work at 4am and worked 12 hours straight without a break and this mother fucker has the nerve to call me a dickhead…eat shit…and die

Yeah I went to Downtown Disney yesterday, and some guy was walking out to his car and offered me his spot as he was walking out. Apparently he didn’t see the woman behind him (neither did I) but once I put on my signal to turn into the spot this woman like crapped herself. She was like screaming in her car and pretty pissed that the spot was mine. I really didn’t care so I just gave it up since it’s not worth the drama. She can have a magical freaking day.

530am - 10 pm for me

at least the fucking heat and phones worked in your store…54 degrees from 5am- 1 pm, then only climbed to 62 by the time I left at 6.

i think people went batshit after thanksgiving, my night was a bit abnormal as well… sorry to hear everyone’s else was too :tdown:

AAAAHHHH, soooo happy that I don’t work in retail anymore. i went through the same shit for 6 or 7 years straight and I know the feeling. Between Thanksgiving and the first week of January, I would average almost 12 hours a day, 6 days a week at the store. And yes, the assholes that came out of the wood work at this time of year make it that much worse: let’s just say the one wall in the back room at my old store probably isn’t as structurally as sound as it should be. :smiley:

Yeah road rage in supermarkets and other stores is great. I wish shopping carts came equipped with an air horn. :shoot:

yea i forgot about that. that had to suck. what happened?

working retail is the worst this ever. i deliver pizzas. it’s pretty stress free.

sorry to hear about your luck.

i usually just laugh at people that take things way to seriously. and be glad i don’t think like they do.

manager was messin with the thermostat, trying to put a blocker on it, so we don’t change it…Because he like it at like 65 degrees. In doing so wednesday, I think something tripped some breaker inside the actual heater. Dunno, the thing works like shit now. took about 2 days to get it back up to 70. And for the phones, I have no fucking clue. Gibby redid the entire phone/fax/dsl/line2/hookerspeeddialline all throughout the day. And yeah, the damn audible alarm was going off all day about every 15 minutes cuz the phone lines connecting it were fuxor3d.