I keep crying.


Not sure how legit that site is, but infections can spread through the body pretty easily, and the nose is really close to the brain.

again, not sure who “Cecil Adams” is, but he says the same http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/235/can-you-die-from-picking-your-nose

edit: finally, a real medical institution http://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/surgery/davidson/nasal/nasal-tip.htm

We’re all gonna DIE!!!


for you captain srsly. :tup:

Lighthearted semi-humorus quote from wiki I remembered reading a few weeks back and I did a simple google search to see if it was true so I passed it on.

Edit: I just pulled a big black curly one out…must have been from what I ate last night.

lol its good to see im not alone in doing this

Im growing a nose beard


Better than the eyebrows,I know someone that has a nervous tick and plucks his eyebrow,constantly fiddling with it (whats left of it). I guess i’m blessed with lack of visible nose hair?

I don’t pluck em unless they’re hangin’ out. Then a quick tug in the mirror and I’m all set.

shove this shit up your nose

then multitask, jerk with it. ya wont. pussy.