Painful hair

Up until recently I thought I was the only person that had this problem. It mostly happens when I am wearing a beanie all day.
When I take my hat off and run my fingers through my hair it hurts like hell. A lot of times my girlfriend would do it and I would cringe but I wouldn’t say anything because it hurt. Just the other day another person said their hair hurt. I was like “no shit” I thought I was the only one with that problem.

Anyone else here run into this problem?

I’ve felt that pain before, but not in awhile, and I can’t remember the circumstance. Maybe you are putting a hat on after putting a shit load of gel in your hair. Or maybe your hair is just loaded up with shit. I don’t know, but I’ve been there before. :rant:

ive had that too, its when ur hair is bent for a long time a certain way and going back on it… ‘against the grain’ if u will

Did you ever get the feeling that someone was tugging at your hair after you ride in a convertible?
Just me?

Nah, don’t wear gel or anything. It’s what Micah said.

But, it is nice to know that other people have the same problem and that i’m not a complete weirdo

No one is saying you aren’t a weirdo.:smiley:

My head gets itchy when I’m skiing. Never had intense pain though.

sometimes my ears hurt when i have a cold

happened to me before from wearing a hat
happened to me before when i was sick

yea this happens alot when you push the follicles in one direction for a long time then move them.

happens to me if i wear a hat for like a full day and then take it off, or if i sleep in longer socks makes your leg hair hurt and shit in the morning.

I honestly think you can condition your hair against it though, b/c if you wear a hat all of the time i bet the hole around the follicles widens from being matted down so there is more play before it hits nerves or some shit.

edit: this is a gay ass conversation, just sayin’

do you think addictdtob00ts hair ever hurts?