smelly hat?

Ok i need some advice. I just bought a hat online from lids and tonight is the first night i wore it. About half way through the night i realized the hat smells like dead fish. when i got home i sprayed the shit out of it with some axe but it still smells. what else can i do to keep it from smelling ? even my hair smells now and i have no idea how something new could possibly smell so bad. its not like i wore this hat after a game either, i showered then wore it. WHY DOES IT SMELL!?

Febreze it.

go back and exchange it. srrsly.

Here’s an idea, wash it.

someone tried it on, most people are sweating in the mall when they try on hats.

i bought it online

then it loses its structure

might try an exchane it.

Sounds like a valet guy had it before you.

If you can’t exchange it, give it a hand wash in cold water and air dry. Very little stress on the fabric and it won’t shrink.

bring it in the shower:

  1. wet hair
  2. put shampoo in hair
  3. lather up hair
  4. wet hat
  5. place hat on head
  6. spin it around 5-6 times

let air dry.

Its B.B.O

take a can of ether/starting fluid and spray the hat like crazy. Let dry for hours. Works great

fish > 100k gear oil


well seeing as all my work shirts smell like that shit, i guess its only fair my hat doesnt.

Febreze. Or Lysol.

you could always get one of the plastic hat frames for the washer. i remember using those when i wore hats, i used a bunch of the lids cleaners and scent fresheners.

I always wash my hats. Fits better afterwards. Is this a flat bill hat? I don’t understand why it will lose so much structure.

should you light it ?

yea, authentic orioles hat. actually the smell went away anyway, i think its cause i wore it too soon after a shower.

Maybe your hair smelled before, and it made the hat stink!
