Stain Removal

Hey all,
Random question. My white fitted hat got thrown on the floor at a party last night, and there are endless stains on it. Anyone know what to use to remove the stain?

it’s white… diluted bleach, vinegar, soap and water, etc. DO IT

also ->

Wash it in the sink with stain remover and then use soap as you would on your clothes. Warm water. Scrub like your life depends on it. Let soak. Rinse. Repeat.

I’ve had my white Siena hat for 4 yrs and it’s still new looking.

Have you ever had it fall on the floor at a party? Theres a combo of dirt, booze, everything else in it…:confused:

It blew off my head and into the woods freshman year while I was megaphoning Ryan Hall through a sunroof

Nature’s Miracle.

race gas as needed for the grease portion

I wish it were a cum stain, then you wouldn’t be able to see it :rofl

sooooooo from that post i gather ya want guys to blow loads on your head :eek3:wtf . thats cool man , i know your still adjustin to livin wit the other colored,s so im sure we will get more off the wall shit from ya :thumbup

oh man

Flat brim fitted ni99aaaaaa

buy new one

hat cost several thousand dollars

i cannot picture you in a white fitted, sorry.

picture it brah!


seriously, post a picture of yourself with this white fitted on, it is blowing my mind trying to imagine it :rofl :rofl

Do et :lol