I keep crying.

No, not allergies.

I keep plucking my nose hairs out. It’s become quite the bad habit. I’m just sitting here at my desk, plucking away. The ones higher up in the nasal cavity don’t hurt really, but the ones right by the edge by the nostril fucking make me tear up like crazy. It’s not like I use a tweezer or something, I just find them, and pull. Sometimes the slippery ones I get with my nails.

I know my buddy ninja Matt does this, I definitely started doing this after he did, but does any other mildly retarded person do this?



It doesn’t hurt for me. Pull fast.

better than ass hairs

ok, show of hands

how many people just ripped out like 8 nose hairs?



Worst when when you get caught and looks like you were picking your nose.

My beard trimmer actually has a nose hair attachment. It hurts just as bad, but get several at a time so the pain is multiplied. I don’t know who designed it, but they are an evil human being.

It makes me sneeze and cry. It is the worst. You can use it to fake crying though so it has it’s positives.

:crying: Just the end of the nose. lol

I sneeze so badly, ugh.

I have little issues with tearing up etc…
I try to use my trimmer often to avoid the pull requirement.

Its a Schick razor with small built in trimmer

lol. Is it possible to reach in for one and NOT find something?

I don’t like the nose trimmer because it leaves little short stubble which itches like hell. I just got like 10 in one pull, didn’t hurt a bit.

If it were anyone else I’d say they left their computer unlocked with nyspeed up and went to the bathroom…

He probably posted this from the bathroom.

Hi. My name is Joe, and I have a problem…

But Wiki says…

Some sources suggest that removing nose hair by pulling can be extremely dangerous (by causing a nasal infection that could travel to the brain).

That has to be the worst quote that I have ever read. What sources say you can have a brain infection? If it isn’t scientist or doctors it is probably not valid. This is why letting anyone edit on a wiki just leads to mis information.


Use a nose hair trimmer. Get a decent one or they will gunk up quick.

I feel safe knowing I’m not the only one <3