I laughed

Found this, laughed pretty hard, I’ve had friends leave status updates but this took time and some thoughts.
Protip: log off facebook


hahahaha, wonder what happened

thats unreal ahaha

i hope this is not the steve i know with the woman with 4 kids thats always in black spandex that live across the street from him HAHAHAHA

thats funny for real

lol…i wonder if shes hot

I find this quite amusing :slight_smile:

lol facebook is the epic failure of society as a whole … just lol

why do they have to fuzzy out the picture =P

faceplant is awsome for drama shit lol

lol… thats jokes… i think he wrote it!!

lol, i also want to know what happened

epic lol

Lol epic.

lmfao, omg, wow… that would suck soooooo bad

haha i bet he wrote it.

i hit my head laughing so hard.

I think something like this ^^^^must of happen LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

Seriously there was a virus in Facebook and there were also many hackers a few month’s ago that go into facebook that would delete peoples profiles as well as send things using other peoples info etc. It was a mess especially here in Europe, we were advized by facebook to keep changing out passwords every few days till the problem was taken care of.

John, I don’t care if Ahmed does or doesn’t talk shit about me, I’m going to have to ask you to refrain from quoting him in the future. I really have no problems putting you, and the rest of this whole forum on ignore if need be, just to avoid reading his posts.

Actually he didn’t say anything about you, I edited his post as a joke, come on have a sense of humor…um and one more thing if you put the rest of the forum on the ignore list you would have nothing to read… SON would be a prety lonely place for you! lol!

Anthony Have a Happy New Year and Best of wishes in 2010 bro.

Spanks mang :smiley: I just go to great lengths to avoid certain unpleasant elements, that’s all.
Happy New Year to you too!