I lol'd


William M. Comerford, a former promotions assistant for a Buffalo radio company, today was sentenced to six months in jail for the St. Patrick’s Day rape of an 18-year-old woman in a Chippewa district bar two years ago.

The drunken Comerford was dressed in a leprechaun outfit and was promoting events for a Buffalo radio company which fired him after his arrest.

Today, after telling the judge he will seek a higher-court stay of the sentence, defense attorney Edward C. Cosgrove said Comerford now works for a local taco restaurant.

That’s just hilarious.

i infact, did not lol.

There are so many more details im dieing to know about this story lamo.

blahblahblah. yea, a girl got raped. That sucks. [/end stupid PC response for people who are too uptight]

The fact that the dude did it while wearing a leprechaun outfit is what makes me LOL. Also that he now works at mighty taco makes me double LOL.

I am gonna rape you in a Leprechaun outfit and you better laugh! GIMME THAT POT O GOLD! Is what i will scream while the action takes place.

yawn. The girl probably had some weird fantasy about always wanting to fuck a leprechaun then after she sobered up she cried rape. It happens all the time

you only get 6 months for raping someone? wtf

yeah if it is only 6 months then i’m gonna go make a list

j/k j/k j/k j/k j/k really j/k

Two college students are in Ireland for a vacation when they feel nature calling. They stop at a rest area and are using the bathroom when a small man, no more than three feet tall, walks in.
He’s wearing all green, even a little green hat with a shamrock on the brim. He walks up to the urinal and starts to pee. One of the college kids looks down and says, ‘‘That’s the biggest dick I’ve ever seen! How did you get it that big?’’

The little guy replies, ‘‘I’m a leprechaun, I can do anything.’’

The student says, ‘‘Can you make mine like that?’’

The leprechaun smiles and says, ‘‘A favor for a favor?’’

The student says, “I’ll do anything.”

The leprechaun says, ‘‘I want you to bend over so I can give it to you in the arse.’’

The student says ‘‘OK, I guess.’’

The leprechaun jumps up on a stool and does his thing. He finishes and asks, ''How old are ye?"

The student replies, ‘‘21.’’

The wee man laughs and says, ''You’re 21 and you still believe in leprechauns?"

hahahahaha i pee’d a little


Ha, nice Fry.

Without knowing any of the details of the case, and going completely on the facts of where/when it happened, I would venture to guess that said girl was smashed at the bar, he took advantage of the situation, she sobered up, realized that shes a skank, and didnt want to admit that she’d just fucked a guy in a leprechaun suit.

It’s not like there is any indication he broke into her house or attacked her (in the news article).

Otherwise, yea, I’m with you.

^^^ haha, thats why I want to know all the details.

Sucks the guy will go down as a registered sex offender for it too.

LOL, if he was still in the leperchaun suit that’s awesome
it’s probably on film somewheres

i hate stupid whores

you were the first to respond and you not only didnt read the linked article, you didnt read my quote?


sounds like a man scorned :mamoru:

my ninja edit wasnt quick enough lol
, and i was just giving the response much said by the other article of an mistakenly let go convict who raped someone hours after they were released

i didnt know he was still IN the costume lol, but i agree with you about the false rape thing

oh man i was working at the bar that this happened at. sucks that it happened to us, but what can you do. the bar was packed with soooooooooo many people, you just cant watch everything thats goin on.

Glad to see this little fucker got sentenced for it.

i went to school with bill haha