Surprise sex? LOL

I lolled a little… [Even though, in actuality, it really isn’t funny.]

LOL i think it funny

lol god i hate riverside

it’s not rape if you yell surprise!


It’s funny that she thinks the party was in Riverside, thinks she was drugged, and thinks she was sexually assaulted and still waited three days to mention it to the cops… did she think she was going to figure it out over the weekend?

If I thought I was raped everytime I got drunk and woke up somewhere weird…well, I would think I have been raped a lot.

haha butt sex


If I’m too drunk to remember round 2 is that rape?

THAT is surprise sex!
That was on related stories. Some broad busted in on an eiffel tower and stole their cash and cell phones :lol:

^^^^ :lol:

Are you sure thats not why it occurs so frequently?


no comment.

Haha, a “Niagara Falls woman.” Im not surprised.

Word. I love the Niagara Falls Police Blotter on shredd and ragan

Haha, and its not just some local bogus hack stereotype… I dont think I have met or even seen one “normal” girl from Niagara Falls NY ever.