I love Ikea

I was there today. Kind of a far drive for me being in youngstown. but it was awesome. crazy ass shit. me and the girl got tons of stuff for her new place. bought tons of stuff including a coffee table and an end table and everything was under $120.

Anyone live out that way? I only saw 1 red 4th gen prelude with a fartcan. and that was it.

I miss Ikea. We’re suppose to be getting one here in the fall. It would be nice to have it for when we move.

my shop is 2 mins from ikea it is a crazy ass store…i remember it took me 30 mins just ot walk the store!!!

I live in moon.

ikea is awesome

I also love Ikea


Never been to one…

4 X here dresser is from there. love the place

Ikea is awesome, where else can you furnish an entire apartment for 500-1000 dollars?

It might not be high quality but it’ll hold you over till you can afford real furniture.

I was just out there on Sat. to get some shelving (I can’t believe it all fit in the GTP). I had returned the Closet Maid stuff to Home Depot because it was so shitty. The Ikea stuff was the same price but better contruction & held tighter tolerances on the fitment.

The place does seem to attract a lot of effeminate men though (not that there’s anything wrong with that!)

Ikea doesn have some nice stuff & good prices…but cause their quality is so-so you have to take good care of the stuff so it lasts.

& their instructions are seriously piss poor

I can see Ikea from where I work. Not a bad place, I need to get my own house so I can go crazy in there.

my first apartment looked like a page out of there catalog…it was nice stuff, but got detroyed pretty quickly, but I couldn’t really get mad at drunk friends falling into my $29 coffee table ad breaking it, it was replaced the next day.

ikea is great for temporary stuff. good luck taking some of it apart and trying to put it back together!

hell, almost all of the stuff in my place is from there!

ikea has nice stuff until you try to move them from one place to another… shit falls apart… and doesnt go back together

I spend wy to much money there

I had their stuff a while ago, but kids really destroy Ikea stuff in a hurry. I had a table that lasted a few years and held up quite well, but within a few months of kids it was destroyed.

Ikea stuff is fine if you are just starting out and have no money. Once you get nice furniture, you’ll never even look at an Ikea again.