i enjoy building this shit… i know some people hate it but its kinda fun. got one more dresser to build then i am done… don’t worry i will post pics!!
i enjoy building this shit… i know some people hate it but its kinda fun. got one more dresser to build then i am done… don’t worry i will post pics!!
i don’t like building that shit
I used to buy their stuff, but once my kids start jumping on the cheap stuff you get from their it just falls apart. I actually had to go out and buy shit that would last more than a week.
I did like building the stuff, and it was nice - until I had kids.
never bought ikea stuff… looks cheap as hell to me :dunno:
its definitely not the best quality stuff… but on a budget it works and it looks good.
:bigthumb: i have a couch i got from there last year. The screws didnt align on the one side no matter what i did so there is nothing really holding it in. It stays together & was cheap so i cant complain too much. Pics when i get back from work
“Like everyone else, I had become a
slave to the IKEA nesting instinct.
If I saw something like clever coffee
table sin the shape of a yin and yang,
I had to have it. I would flip through
catalogs and wonder, “What kind of dining
set defines me as a person?” We used to
read pornography. Now it was the Horchow
Collection. I had it all. Even the glass
dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections,
proof they were crafted by the honest,
simple, hard-working indigenous peoples of
i like it. its cheap and looks good
i wonder how long it takes them to figure out how to make it so easy to assemble… that shit amazes me
did you know the owner passed Billy Gates to become the richest person in the world? Like a couple weeks ago
that cause Bill Gates keeps getting fined and ordered to donate so much money every year
maybe so, but i think currency exchange rates caused him to fall to 2. it’s weird the guy who owns ikea is notoriously cheap. he’ll buy discount food, fly economy, all kindsa stuff that i sure as hell wouldn’t do if i was worth 4o some billion… if not for the lifestyle at least for the security, i mean if you’re worth billions, someone wants you dead :wtcslap:
:nono: it was printed that he surpassed bill gates but retracted once it was found out to not be true
either way he is a rich ass dude.
and i havent surcome to ikea living at home. but i have build my share when my ex got an apartment. building entertainment centers when your half kicked in the ass is fuck as fuck.
not fast though :hs:
:doh: either way, he didn’t make more… his currency just moved agst the dollar that’s all… still he’s a like a mofo
it has nothing to do with the euro vs dollar
hey good for you :scared: an since you’re bein a smart ass sweden is the kron not the euro
i heart Ikea.
Interior designer Jon White how may i help you fine folks this evening
i built some of that shit before, it aint too bad, the cool thing is if your missing a part or one breaks they send it to you for free