I love LaDuke fails (Alero material INSIDE!)

It’s called eBay


Your smart enough to get into RPI, but dumb enough to think an alero is gonna spool a 4088? :crazy

Corrected :lol
It’ll spool. But I’ll only have a smaller sized turbo this season and prolly next season.
I’ll cross that bridge when it comes.

No… you won’t. If you wanna do a shitty ebay turbo build on your alero thats fine. But don’t you dare try to tell people your gonna put 4088 on a motor that will spool it at 4000 and then shift at 5000, right before it blows up.

You guys like including what each other says and trying to tell me that’s what I’m doing don’t you? And not listening to what I’ve told you I’m ACTUALLY doing?
Fail. Not worth a 5027985 billionth explanation.

And Oh.
I’m gonna put a 4088 on my car sometime in the future.

I urge you all to stop posting before I get another hateful facebook inbox message from bobby due to the creation of this thread

thats right !!!


:ohsnap :number1

i just lol’d


IM all for respecting other peoples car choices and wanting to be differant and show people off…

But really… this is just to much :rofl:rofl


Quoted for future reference

ROFL… But you plan on spending $1900+ for a GT40R! AND you cheap out and get Chinese spring compressors, instead of spending the right amount of money on a tool that COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! :retardclap

Priorities are spot on I see.

ohh any yeah if you didnt realize it yet… 99.93242% of the threads here that are more than 3 pageslong, It is a proven fact that reading the first page, and reading the last will save 8.23 years of your life.


Actually while at work I choose to read each and every page very carefully.

Browsing this website at home, however, is the complete opposite. :rofl

P.S. Alero 40r boy, your neg rep didn’t do anything to me.


I just made his rep turn red :rofl :rofl

This is only the beginning…

New cameo? :lol