i love this artist

yeah i was going to post that link, i remember when i made it.

the social connotation of his work is what makes him the best out there.

no one cares who can colour between the lines better than the next guy anymore… Art is always measured by the emotions that it stirs. Banksy is winning

Micah the rolls are 36" wide and I can print up to 100" long

damn I need high res

Minglor was showing me a lot of this not too long ago. It’s simply amazing.

this one is awesome…



id love to make a super wide shot of

maybe we can work something out, i remember there being a photo of yours I wanted

inspirational. this dude is mind blowing…what he did on the Palestinian wall is epic.

dre - word

dstar - where is that pic? isaw it once but now i cant find it

that one was my fav too lol

fuck I don’t have it but there’s a few different pieces on it. one is the little girl trying to float over with her hand full of balloons, another is a kid painting a rope ladder going over the wall, there’s a few that describe an outside paradise…a living room with a big TV on the wall with the TV showing a paradise looking scene (iirc), and another with a hole blown in the wall showing “paradise” on the outside.

maybe a few google searches can come up with something
