i love this artist



anything in high res?

only thing i saw in high res was in http://www.banksy.co.uk/shop/index.html but not really too much



i also love him

the first one you posted and the dorothy one are my favorites. too bad they’re not in high res, I still have some bucks left on my ub print account

how big can you print again?

this is my wallpaper atm


Ya, banksy shit rocks.

yea i thought about printing that one (best out of the high res).

i’ll ask a girl who works in print room

In 2004, Banksy walked into the Louvre in Paris and hung on a wall a picture he had painted resembling the Mona Lisa, but with a yellow smiley face akin to the Wal-Mart character for a face. Though the painting was hurriedly removed by the museum staff, it and its counterpart, temporarily on unknown display at the Tate Britain, were described by Banksy as ‘shortcuts’. He is quoted as saying: “To actually [have to] go through the process of having a painting selected must be quite boring, It’s a lot more fun to go and put your own one up.”

balloon girl is awesome, and she is now my cell background

:lol: :clap:

the cave man shit he did in the british natural history museum was on display for 3 days before anyone realized, then the shit he did at Disney was hilarious. He recently did something on a wall that recently sold for like 250,000 quid, and you had to remove the wall yourself.

banksy’s best piece is the one he did on the West Bank in the Gaza Strip. THAT IS ART>


ew i searched too

I was going to type more actually and i got sidetracked …

now I really completely forgot what i was going to say

maybe u were gonna say i reposted about a thread that is over a year old lol

lol no… I was actually just using it to reference other art and discussion… I don’t remember really.

But I do know that I don’t really care much for his motives… It seems like he is just being controversial for the sake of being controversial. His style on the other hand is very cool. I like how it looks, and the placement of the artwork is pretty cool