The best artist in the world? Banksy

my brother is pitching this to me right now… i am inclined to agree but i have no point of reference.

needless to say some of this guys work is phenomonal.

it means so much more than a painting given where it takes place and what it says and how it deconstructs you.

painting the wall around the West Bank in Palestine:

taking Paris hilton Cd’s are photoshopping them like this then planting them back on the racks in major retail outlets.


Sure he’s innovative, and unique.

But the BEST artist in the WORLD!?

thats a little extreme.

do you mean, at this point in time? or ever?

if you are talking about out of every artist ever being unique, or being innovative…

I’d have to say Salvador Dali or Andy Worhal. FOR SURE.

They were sure as shit a lot better/unique/innovative/mind bending than Banksy. For this time, their time…or any time.

i would say now, and only because how relevant it is.

the co-optation begins.

:tup::word:yeah, i mean… best artist in the world? that’s so subjective it’s not even… well, i feel horribly redundant just POSTING this

I understand what he is doing is cool.

But relevant? Relevant to who?

I don’t care what paris hilton does, and how she acts/spends her money etc etc.

Ecko Unlimited tagging Air Force One, was more relevant than Banksy messing with Paris Hilton’s cd covers.

i like his style and i think he is a very good artist… I don’t like the political side of it

exactly … i’m much more of a geiger fan than a dali fan

notice the ? in the title…

and i already said i dont have a point of reference, i am just sharing a conversation… i only found out about this dude an hour ago…

jeez beck, i hate you already and its only been like 12 hours.



Geiger as in…

sci-fi artist HR Geiger?

comic book artist Steve Geiger?

or the surrealism artist Billy Geiger?

I hope its not the first two, you are talking about.

oops HR giger


By GV, i mean HR.

And I’m glad you have your own opinion, but it sucks.

Geiger, is far from being even artistic. He can draw. Thats about it. It is not art.

Art has and contains a level of human involvement. Whether its emotional, or physical… it makes you feel and think.

While you can argue whether it’s art or not…its considered “low art”.

Dali, Van Gough, etc etc are considered “high art” or even “beaux-art”.

“low art” artist’s rarely have much meaning in their paintings/drawings.

I don’t feel that science fiction, horror drawings, can even be compared to the modern works of some of the best “high art” artists.

haha… topless dog head

art is what YOU as the view gets out of it… whether its emotion or what not… YOU interpret what the piece of art work means to you and your life…

of course HR giger i really don’t relate with, but i do like the way he meshes beauty and macabre…

so again… like i said.

you like his drawings.

and you don’t have to interpret and apply art to your life… it just requires a level of human involvement.

okay, the marc ecko tag was a rented plane, painted to look like the AF1. there is no such thing as greatest artist in the world, the genre of art is far too vast to give such a label to an individual. was dali the best at graf? no. is banksy an amazing impressionist? no.

chill with the labels and let’s just enjoy these awesome works!

I did not know that about the Ecko Tag. Hmmm. It seemed fishy.

And obviously, the genre of art is too vast to give ONE person the label of being the best.

but when we are talking about some of the best artists in the world…and someone brings up a sci-fi artist into the mix… you have to set them straight.

what kind of sci-fi? like wolves howling at wizards in upside down castles? if so, fuck that shit.


even worse…

yep your set me straight…

its kind of sad that giger has no impact on the world at all

other than his theme being used for oakley sunglasses, a signature guitar series for ibanez, millions of tattoos around the world. The alien movie series, a mic stand for Johnathan davis, numerous art work for recording artists like danzig… blah blah blah