The best artist in the world? Banksy

now how do you not conisder that art? It s definitly not my fancy, but it is still a piece of art…

Bha. “Best artist” doesn’t exist. Either you will understand this or you won’t. :wink:

I certainly have my favorites.

amusing, edgy, current, yes. “best” - by no means.

Beck, don’t be a moron.

Certain things, actually most things have no “best”. Unless there is an achievable goal not based on opinion that makes you stand out as “The Best” there isnt’ one. IE who ever wins the superbowl is the best team, till next season. Who ever wins the race had teh best car/driver till the next race. Jack Nicklause is the best golfer of all time becasue of his life time of accomplishemts, but on any given day, he cold be beat and thus was not th best that day. get it?

We are all proud of you that you passed your community college art history course
but as far as current artists.

So much of it = so good.